Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Last night was another gem of a double whammy. I go through a bunch of emotional distress just to be able to go home and get the shakedown. Lovely.
I use to wonder why guys would just sleep on the couch in their own homes, but now I see its often easier than answering question after question.
Here is a hint to the ladies:
The past is what it is. Nothing will ever change it.
No one ever forgets what happened. Some days people need to work through some stuff.
Don't ask questions you don't want answered.
If your self estime is too low to be confident of where you stand, just get out. It wouldn't be the first time. Find some washed up loser to lick your feet every night. He will always come running back to you because you both know he can't do any better. Maybe he's some 2 time loser who lost his first wife and now he's 40 and afraid of going on alone.
Maybe he's 35 and still mooching off daddy.
What ever.

I will never be entirly stable.
I will never be whiped and controlled.
I don't Kowtow to the weak of mind or heart.

There was a song with lyrics that went "Love will keep us together".
Thats bull shit.
Love is an emotion for the strong of will. Its a ragining fire that is as likely to burn you as it is to keep you warm. If you can't stand the heat, just go get in line for some luke warm hot chocolate like the rest of the losers. There is plenty of mediorcicoty to go around.

I have a world to destroy.


Blogger Asylos said...

Awww . . .*hugs* If you need to talk, you can always mail me. I've got a new addy, asylos @ gmail . com

3:26 PM  

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