Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, March 20, 2006

As usual the weekend seemed to fly by and here we are at monday again.
Friday night's game was a lot of fun. MY friend Tom brought 4 bottles of irish wiskey in lieu of St. Patty's day. Needless to say I don't know how I kept it together for the whole game. I haven't been that plastered in a long time.
Saturday was a welcome back to college hangover saturday. It began with greasy McSandwiches and donuts and followed through with many hours of sitting on the couch watching TV. Me and BZ finaly got off our buts and went out for a smidge of shopping. She is raming up with al of the "cruise wear" clothes for her trip to puerto rico. I on the other hand get no new duds as I can't take the time to lay around on a boat for a week, *sob*.
Sunday was more of the same. It was a nice and restful weekend except that I ended up staying up too late each night and getting up too early each morning so I'm all tuckered out today.

Saw a few films over the weekend.
The first being "My neighbor Totoro". Its an old anime film but very cute and with a decent story line. Its not as detailed or long as Princess Monoke, or Spirited away, but it was a good watch none the less.
Then it was "Playing God" with David Duchovney. This ended up being better than I thoguth it would. The action was decent and the deaths shocking.
I recomend both.

Finally we come to "History of Violence" with Vigo Morganson. This film had a lot of potential and the comercials played it up a lot. But in terms of delivery it was fairly weak. I thought we would spend a lot more time wondering who this man was and if the crime boss was telling the truth or not. Instead we learn who he is rather quickly. Its proven so even quicker. He goes off and kicks some ass and the film is over. So too short, not enoght suspence, not enough build up (not including the false buildup from the comercials). The acting was decent and the story ok, but the big let down was just too much to take.
Recomended if you're board and have low expectations.


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