Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The week is about half over and I feel like I've barly had a moment to think.
Monday's presentation went well. My boss said it was much better than the last one which made me happy. I feel like I put a lot more effort into this one and did more research.

I had an odd dream yesterday morning. I only remember bits and peices of it now, but there was something going on at school, like a terrorist attack or something like that. I can clearly remember getting in the elevator, but there were these tubes connecting from the buttons to other buttons, so I couldn't push them. There was a lot more to it but I can't remember it now.

I came up with an idea today durring our wensday lab meeting. I did my rpesentation monday on lithopanspermia, the idea that life orginated else where and was carried to earth on an asteroid or commet or something. This idea would be to create a grant to fund research that would build a space station which would be charged with defending the earth from colonization by alien life forms riding along on meteors or commets. I think I will make up some drawings for the space station and how it all works.

Been watching a lot of films lately.
Shopgirl was decent. I'm a bit dissapointed with Steve Martin. His films now are more of dark comides that the slap stick wackiness he used to do. It was funny and a decent film about love, but I was never really cracking up. They get most of their laughs off of the uncomfortableness of situations and scenes. Its not a good hearty laugh, but instead is one of those I don't know what else to do or say so I laugh kind of things.
I'd give it a if you don't have anything better to watch its worth the time.

Last Holliday, Queen Lateffa, L.L. Cool J., Gerard DePardue, for this horror cast this was actually a really good film. It was healthy funny and moving. Nice romantic comedy with a decent amount of politocal commentary. It does lose a few points for a having a predictable ending which is how all of these films end. Its deffinatly worth a viewing and all the better with someone to hug.

The Butterfly Effect: This film is not what I thought it was. I have to give Ashton Kucher Props for doing this. I'd say its probably the first film he has actually acted in and he really pulls it off. I have a feeling the director of it is a genuis. The film deals with time jumping and rewriting history at least at the point I'm at now. I won't know for certain until I see the rest of it. Hell it could all be in his head. No final review until its over.

Thats about all for now.

No, I forgot, its game week. I've made a lot of rule changes since the last scession and taken the sugestions form my players. I've whiped up a horde of baddies they won't be able to just plow through. He he he he he.


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