Woke up at 4:40 again to get in by 7. I realy need to compact my mornings, maybe stop reading at breakfast or cut out breakfast entirly. It all just eats up too much time.
Its going to be another fun long day of growth curves and PCR, wee hoo.
No for the dull stuff.
Last night I saw "The new world", the story of Pocahontas and by the powers of darkness it was possibly one of the worst peices of crap I've ever seen. Lets see how would it be best to describe....
Writer/director Terrence Malick, probably whiped up a 30-40 page script, then he directed a 140 minuite film, which he probably eddited back to 135 minutes. For those of you who don't know, usually you get 1 minute per page of script, so this guy must be some sort of genuis. If you read the reviews on IMDB.com you'd probably figure that.
The film is long, really long, and you really feel every minuite of it. This is really a perfect example of how bad directing/edditing can ruin good acting. Here is an example Collin says some lines, then stands there for 3 miniutes, not speaking not moving, pocahontas walks around in the back ground, we cut to some shots of birds on a tree for 2 minuites, then some running water for 3 minutes, then back to collin but a close up, another 2 minutes, shots of the land, more birds, more water, end scene. My lord what crap.
Also the music of the film should be noted. I don't know who did the score but it is nothing short of painful. The film opens with about a 20 minuite landing of the ships at virginia, and unlike the 20 minuite opening of saving private ryan, nothing happens, the boats come in and unload, with many shitty art shots of nature intersparced in it. All durring this time there is sharp fading tones of near dissonance, which is probably supposed to add suspence or something. To me it sounded like a slightly more symphonic version of car horns honking at a traffic jam.
Both of these guys should be drug out and shot. Though thats kind of a harsh punishment, deserving, yes, but I'd just be happy if they never work in the film industry again.
So if you value your time don't watch "the new world".
Its going to be another fun long day of growth curves and PCR, wee hoo.
No for the dull stuff.
Last night I saw "The new world", the story of Pocahontas and by the powers of darkness it was possibly one of the worst peices of crap I've ever seen. Lets see how would it be best to describe....
Writer/director Terrence Malick, probably whiped up a 30-40 page script, then he directed a 140 minuite film, which he probably eddited back to 135 minutes. For those of you who don't know, usually you get 1 minute per page of script, so this guy must be some sort of genuis. If you read the reviews on IMDB.com you'd probably figure that.
The film is long, really long, and you really feel every minuite of it. This is really a perfect example of how bad directing/edditing can ruin good acting. Here is an example Collin says some lines, then stands there for 3 miniutes, not speaking not moving, pocahontas walks around in the back ground, we cut to some shots of birds on a tree for 2 minuites, then some running water for 3 minutes, then back to collin but a close up, another 2 minutes, shots of the land, more birds, more water, end scene. My lord what crap.
Also the music of the film should be noted. I don't know who did the score but it is nothing short of painful. The film opens with about a 20 minuite landing of the ships at virginia, and unlike the 20 minuite opening of saving private ryan, nothing happens, the boats come in and unload, with many shitty art shots of nature intersparced in it. All durring this time there is sharp fading tones of near dissonance, which is probably supposed to add suspence or something. To me it sounded like a slightly more symphonic version of car horns honking at a traffic jam.
Both of these guys should be drug out and shot. Though thats kind of a harsh punishment, deserving, yes, but I'd just be happy if they never work in the film industry again.
So if you value your time don't watch "the new world".
I've gotta make a list up for people so they can be warned. P.S. Don't bother going to see United 93 or renting it. If you want some 9/11 in flight movie try the made for tv one.
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