Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I've been reading more and more about christian and other religious groups out right rejecting science. They make falacious statements and spread disinformation about scientific processes, results, papers, books, ect and put forth the claim that the only real truth can be found in their religious book. Its just such nonsence.
It makes me wonder what it would take to start my own religion.
Now you're probably asking yourselves, why on earth would you want to do that?
Well a number of states have passed legislation which makes it legal for pharmicists to refuse to give people drugs if it violates their beleifs.
Well my religion would be based on Evolution and Darwinism and the now mostly forgotten concept of survival of the fittest. Now I'm not proposing anything like genetic clensing or nonsence like that. What I am proposing is removal of harmful memes from society.
If your meme is that we should only beleive what is written in a 2000ish year old book and reject modern science, more power to you. But you should not be able to bennefit from modern science. Be true to your principles.
Reject modern medicine!
Reject modern things like electricity!
Reject modern building materials, like plastics!
Reject automotives, airplanes, steam ships, ect!

At least the Omish are true to their beleifs. People like W. Gary Crampton
are the worst sort of hipocrites and BSers. I'd love to see him try to live his life without the marvels science has brought us.
Heh, hell even your marvelous book wouldn't exist without science. Without the invention of the printing press it would be back to old times and making copies of your book by hand, where practically no two would be the same and each copiest would have the opertunity to rewrite your already miscopied history.


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