Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, November 30, 2007

Time flash
approximitly July 30, 2007

The new job at CareStream has been kind of rough. Their equipment is horrible. The prople there don't know the first thing about running QC testing on a comercial product, but I'm fairly confident I can bring them around. I've started filling in holes in their methods and have written up some validation work for the method as well. This should reduce some of the variability it has been having.
I was pretty shocked though to learn that the big bosses of the compagny don't really want to do any sort of QC testing on their material. This is really a disreputable practice and will get the compagny sued as soon as people who purchase their product start having assays fail becuase the CareStream product is crap.

I got in to long discussion with one of the two PHDs working here. Apparently she dosen't want to use my validation method, which would be ok as long as I can use her method, but she dosen't want that eithor. Apparently she feels a person to person reproducability validation of a method should be done with two seperate methods. I'm not quite sure how to describe this for the nonscience people reading this (not that I think anyone really reads this blog anymore), but this is a big flashing neon sign that someone dosen't know the first thing about validating a method. I tried to explain to her that we need to limit all variability in the method to see if it is rugged enough for different people to do it and come up with the same answer, but she just didn't get it. Ugh.

Time Flash:
Aug 3, 2007
Well I got a call today from the temping service that I am employed through saying that my services are no longer required. Apparently their reasoning is that I was "Too Senior" for the position. for what ever bullshit that means. Over all I'm glad to be out of there. I don't like working for disreputable compagnies, but the money will be missed. I guess its back to job searching.


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