Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, November 30, 2007

Time Flash:
Monday August 6th, 2007
My next step in job hunting starts today. I sent out a score of resumes to various scientific compagnies. I also sent in some applications to some unskilled labor type places. I really don't want to work outside of my field, but BZ and I are not in great financial shape and I need to get back to work.

Wow, I already got a call back about a job. Its for some place called JT industries or something like that. Its for eithor a warehouse type job or sales I'm not sure, the add had a lot of positions listed. It shouldn't be too mentally chalenging but its money. They want me to come down for an interview today so I'm off.

Well the interview wasn't what I expected. It turns out that the job is actually for Kirby, the vacume compagny. It would be going out and doing product demos for them. I would only be doing demos for people who have called in and requested them, so none of that door to door crap, so thats good. I don't have any problem being a sales man, I did it with the adventure board and that went pretty well. I have to go back tomorow for training and I'm fairly hopeful. The recruiting girl was quoting some high numbers for weekly salaries, between $456 and 2K, which is huge for a nondegree job. I was a bit concerned though that she stressed that they didn't care about education or experience. That seemed a bit odd to me.


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