Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Well this has been one hell of a tuesday. First off some jack ass decided red lights don't apply to him and almost hit me, would have if I hadn't stoped. Also we're not talking about hey its yellow, I beter gun it, this was I'm doing about 50 in a 30 and the light is red and has been for the last 20 seconds.
This is a reason I don't carry a gun because that chump would have been eating lead.
Then it was a bitch of a day at the gym. My arm strength is slowly comming back, but it hurts like a mother. Also I slammed my head into the floor while doing situps with the medicine ball. Not a good addition to the excercise.

Work has been busy today. Its 11am now and this is really the first time I've been able to check my mail. Good news is we may have had a breakthrough in the project we're working on, but its a secret so I can't say more.

I learned the finer points of PCR which was a bunch of fun. Pippet, then push button....thats about it :)

Not too much to say about the weekend, it was an unrestful/relaxing weekend, the kind where you do almost nothing but end up tired. I also realized its hard to find "fun" stuff I want any more,maybe I'm just growing up. IF so it really sucks.

I had one doozie of a dream last night, unfortunatly I didn't write it down when I woke up around midnight. I know I was fighting demons and doing a soso job of it. Specifics were lost though.

Well occupation is calling.


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