Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, November 29, 2004

Well I'm comming off of a 4 day vacation and I have a few words to share.
Procrastination is the first one. I had 2 weeks to get a pseudo grant proposal done and what do I do. Wait until the last night? You got that right and we're talking the last night. I went down around 2AM and was up again at 5AM to try to finish it. By 11:30 I had reached a stop point, meaning I couldn't take it any more. This brings us to our second word of the break:
Crap hole, because thats what that paper was. I guess I did learn a bit about grant strcture, and more importantly that I shouoldn't wait until the last minuite to get things done. It was supposed to be around 10pages, it ended up being 7 and one of those was a full page of references and probably another one was just spacing. What trash. I concidered crashing my car into a firey blaze this morning just so this act of horror would never see the light off day.

In good news me and BZ remodled the bathroom and let me say it looks great. I will miss the pacific ocean sort of hawiian shirt theme I had going before, but the new decour is very nice. Kind of rustic and classy. Its like taking a wizz in a museum or maybe a court house.

Break was nice though. I really needed it. The boss is back today and in a good mood, so I have a day of reprive to get smart again and bring up some good info


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