Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, December 06, 2004

Well its an ever loving monday. Friday's test didn't go so well. You know its not going to be good, when you flip through the test and don't know a single answer. Usually I'm about 50/50 of stuff I know and stuff I kind of know. this time it was 100/0 for stuff I did not know. I tried to answer almost all of the questions and with some...a lot of luck maybe I'll pass for the class.

Today I feel increadibly tired. I don't know why but I usually seem to come off of the weekend feeling less rested than when I go in.

In good news I'm pretty much done with classes. I have to makke a short presentation today at 3 ish and thats it.
In other good news I found a dollar on the elevator this AM, so woo hoo, coffee is on the fates of the universe. Or what ever sad sucker dropped the dollar.

I saw a few films this weekend.
First of "Spirderman 2", perhapse one of the best films I have ever seen. Sam Rami has done it again. Beautiful camera work, a good plot and great script. The visuals were nothing short of stunning. Its the kind of film here you end up jerking back and forth in your seat as things come flying by. I recomend it to all.

Then I saw "Hero" and let me say again, Quintot Tarention has done it again. The film had all the right ingredients to be awesome: ass kicking asianstar, good special effects team, a story potentially from chinese history, and a highly rated director. I never would have though I would see a Jet Li film and walk away thinking it sucked, but Tarentino iis a master film maker. Jets increadible speed and precision were shunted by crappy slow motion timing. Characters "flying" while fighting was beyond beleivable to the point of stupidity. The sound track was pure crap and the sound effects thhey used, down right annoying. Even the plot was slow and stupid, especially since we were shown the same thing 3 times from different ideas on what might have happened. Hell Even the End blew, though I almost cheered just because I knew I wouldn't have to watch any more. I can't in good concusious sugest this film to anyone and if you live close enough you can borrow my copy if you would like to spend a few hours doing MST 3K insults and talking over a peice of AV trash.


Blogger Shadicats said...

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one that thought, "Wow, that could have been better." All I could say nice about it was beautiful. Beautiful filmed with great vivid colours. But it was utter crap. Far too slow.

12:19 PM  

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