Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

To Sam the coward (aka Don huwwan, aka soul_lost 315)

Since your last post really didn’t contain anything new I don’t have much of a response to it, so I’ll just summarize.
I don’t spell well, covered.
You’re a coward and like to take cheap shots from the safety of Minnesota, covered. (actually this wasn’t entirely covered since you seem bent on using stupid pseudonyms)
Wait what’s this, something new? You seem to be very proud of your own state of ignorance. Though I guess this shouldn’t surprise me with your views on women.

You also seem to have spent time gathering info on me and seem to spend a lot of time reading my blog. I realize I’m probably the greatest person you know, but maybe you should look elsewhere for a hero. I would be willing to autograph that picture you keep talking about, but after that you need to find someone else to worship.
Oh and for the record I have done nothing more that respond to attacks made by you and your fiancée.
Why is it trolls always come to pick a fight then run. “Don’t respond to me anymore and I’ll leave.” Your spinelessness sickens me.


Blogger Hotdish said...

Alrighty then, I believe we all know what everyone's opinions are at this point. I'm a big proponent of free speech and big opinions whether or not they piss people off so I think it's just peachy in a retarded kind of way that you two are expressing yourselves so wonderfully. I now feel like I can't come to or be in my best friend's wedding because our significant idiots will pound each other senseless.

So here are my thoughts: Ryan's blog is for Ryan to express himself, if he has issues he needs to write about that's fine, he treats me pretty damn good in real life so go ahead and write whatever the hell you want.

Julie's blog is for Julie, it's fine if she critisizes people or things in it, we're all adults here and I think we can take a little criticism.....also, if you don't like what she says feel free not to read it.

And you know what the really fucked up thing is? Sam and Ryan would probably really like each other because of their interests and personalities (and before someone has another fit let me say that blogs don't necessarily convey someone's peronality).

So at this point I think all the nasty comments and replies can stop or Julie and I will leave you both and go be lesbians together.

9:28 AM  

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