Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Well I went home last night.. I realize the drive really tires me out. We had some tacos and some nifty mini cakes and a pleasurable evening if you get my drift.
This morning I woke up around 4am out of a nightmare about jason X. To clarify I must state that I have never actually seen the movie, but I'm pretty sure my dream was close to it. I was on a space ship or space station with a bunch of other people and a maniac weilding a knife and a hockey mask kept killing them in grusome ways. There is just something very unnerving about the undead. I'll take on just about any mortal without fear, but how do you kill the unkillable.
Exploding usually works if done at the end of the film, but you know the baddie will be back for the next film. Plus I don't keep a lot of explosives in the house. And I can't go just exploding at every noise I hear. There were a lot of thumps and bumps and creaks, comming from the attic and other places outside the bedroom I sure as hell wasn't about to go exploring in the dark. Exploding tends to do a lot of structural dammage, which I currently can't afford to repair.

If anyone has any sugestions on fighting the unkillable I'd like to know.


Blogger Shadicats said...

To kill the unkillable: NUKE.

If that doesn't work; they'll at least be glowing the dark, giving you lots of time to run.

9:21 AM  

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