Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The wonders of thursday are upon me as well as the magic of western blotting. This technique seems to be my new life, at least I'm good at it.
Today seems to be moving along nicely, even though I'm beat tired.
last night was fun. I watched my friend playing volleyball, then got in on a game myself. I realized something that night.
1. The last few times I've played I've been fairly inebriated.
2. I play a lot better drunk.

I did come up with a new story idea while in cell bio class today, having to do with lychantropes and chromosomes and microRNA. School is really working for me in that respect. I'm getting a lot of story mechanisms. The hard thing will be to correctly incorporate them into fiction without just having some scientist guy show up and explain everything. Of cource that mechanism works as well.

With luck I'll be rolling dice later tonight, but as the weather is casting snow snow snow my plans may be scrapped.


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