Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Its another exciting thursday. I've got a test tomorow I haven't begun to study for. I have to set op a third rotation for my self and it should be one that I'm going to like enough to stay at and likes me as the case often is. I just sent an email to one of my bosses at pfizer who had offered to do a joint program between UCONN and Pfizer for my PHD, but the offer was made in november some time and might not still be available.

I had some really crazy dreams this morning. They were somewhat scary but wacky too. I can only remember bits and peices but here goes.
I was in new york, but no where in new york I've ever been before. There were all these highways which bridged over the city and intersected in roundabouts that went through a parking garage like structure. Inside this garage thing were little shopping complexes mostly they were like highway fastfood deals, but were set up like a mall food court.
So I drive through the structure and then stop and give directions to some homeless looking girl who was looking for broadway or some theatre (not that I know where any theatres in manhattan are). I think I was on my way to pick BZ up or something like that. I don't remember if I picked her up or not or maybe I had some time before I had to pick her up, not sure.
So I end up driving back toward the intersection and there is another girl who's car was broken down on the side of the road. I stop and we chat and she is going in the same direction I am so I offer to give her a ride. She gets in and we head off also she gives me this clear plastic bag of money eithor to hold for her or to pay for the ride. At this point I realize I should have offered a ride to the homeless girl too. So We head off to get her, but instead we park the car or maybe we don't, but in any case we're walking now.

So we walk around this food court sort of thing, but instead of being all open and easily accessable like food courts are its more like a maze. The maze is al like small corridors made of white painted plywood, which is kind of dirty. I decide I want to get some taco bell. So we dart in and out of corridors looking for the bell. I remember we passed one a ways back and am about to turn around when the convience store in front of me has a small window at it for TB. I go up to the window and order some gorditas or something.

The clerk isn't behind the counter so I have to call for him a few times. When he comes out he's ttally sketch, dirty, unshaven with a nasty dirty white apron on. He takes my order and then tells me the bill. The world shifts and we're inside the convience store now, but it looks more like the inside of one of those news paper stands you see in NYC with the front open and all sorts of stacks of papers piled everywhere except that there is a door on this one and its currently closed.

I reach in my pocked to get money to pay for the food, but in order to get to my wallet I have to pull out the girls bag of money (its mostly change) . I place the bag on the counter. The cerk starts going through it and having a fit because aparently its all some sort of foreign currency. I try to explain that the money isn't mine and my money is in my wallet.

I finally get my wallet out and start flipping through the bills in it and oddly enough most of them are some sort of foreign stuff too with little fishes on it. He really begins to freak out now and is waving a knife around. I find the three american dollars that the food costs and put it on the counter, but its too late by now.

The clerk has come out from behind the counter. He is waving his knife around and starts in with some big speach and its actually pretty scary. its something like "You people, always comming in here and ruin our way of life. You try to pay me with fake money and we're not going to take it any more. Me and all my friends are going to get out of here. We're going to get into a rocket ship and fly off into...into.... outer space." At least "outerspace" was what he was going to say. I but in here "and fly off into..into.."(him) "The sun"(me).

At first he just stared down at me like he's going to dice me up. Then he bursts out laughing and then we all laugh. The stupidity of my comment has lightened the situation and everything will be fine.

Then I woke up.
And all of you just wasted a lot of time reading this very long and stupid dream, hahaahahahahahah.


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