Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I had another dream this morning but it wasn't all that interesting, which is probably why I don't remember much of it. I think it had to do with hiring people or being an accountant or something. Like I said boresville.

I finished painting my shadow (possibly fiendish) Chimera. Its not my best work, but looks good and it will be a bitch to fight. Up next is the Cathulu looking horror beast will have to work up something good for him.

Its going to be kind of a slow day. I don't have any lab work to do which means it wil be a read paper work on prelim proposal sort of day. I really hate these days they go on forever.

I have 2 ideas for a "ghost" story for a contest but neithor one is comming together at the mement. This is why I'm not a pro writer. I eithor have an idea and can blast through it, or I have half an idea and it never gets off the ground.

I had lunch with the morman gal yesterday, but didn't ask her anything about mormans. Of all wacky religious theirs is really one that throws me. It seems like something only the truly foolish/guilable or celebrities would be part of. I mean it has it all, all the fun of christianity, throw in some space aliens and magic and wacky geologic history and you've got it. Seriously for people who beleive something which it seems like you would need to be high or drunk to buy, its odd for them to have the ban on any sort of mind altering substances. Well maybe thats why they have it so when someone asks what do you beleive and they say...
"well the 13th tribe of jews crossed over the artic bridge and wrote down further teachings of Jesus on these stone tablets, which our founder, used horse sales man Joseph Smith, was able to read using magic glasses given to him by space aliens."

And you say back, "What are you drunk?"

They can honestly say, "No its forbidden."


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