Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, January 30, 2006

Spent the weekend on the edge of sickness. Sat on the couch for the most part and watched smallville DVDs. I'm still not doing super great, but at least I'm up and being somewhat active.

I had two dreams over the weekend that I remember.
In one I was Clark Kent, kicking it in smallville. Yeah big suprise, I fill my waking hours with TV show then dream I'm a part of it. I don't remember much of it but it was pretty cool.

The other dream was just odd. I was on some sort of farm, and one of the cows was pregnant and about to give birth. I was there with BZ, C, and a bunch of other friends. I've seen goats give birth so for some reason I end up being the resident expert and have to calm down the cow, using horse whisperer type skills, no I never saw the film. things you should know, the cow was normal cow length, but it was only about as tall as a goat. So she goes into labor and the kids start comming out and the way you do it is to let them come part way out, then when you can grab their feet, you pull them the rest of the way.
The first one comes out and it loks like a normal cow, but its a still birth. Then as I'm looking at that one, three more come out. These babies have cow bodes, but fuzzy curly sheep like fur and they have heads like persian cats. So they are really weird. After they all come out, the sheep cat things go running off down a hill and we have to chase after them. Thats where I woke up.
Odd huh.

There were a lot of other dreams/nightmares over the weekend. Mostly from waking up burning up and being stuck in that realm just between awake and sleep. Unfortunatly I don't remember any other dreams, but they were pretty unnerving.

Not much else to report, got figures painted, didn't get any school work done. Thats about it.


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