Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Its WEnsday, BZ has been gone for 2 whole days. I miss her and its been a bit lonly at the house, but I seem to have somehow attracted a stream of visitors. Here I was saying you know it might be nice to have some alone time, but I haven't had a free moment. I was going to use the peace and quiet to write and clean up some, but its just been visitor after visitor. Today is no exception. My sister came over last night to see the mini bike and chat for a while. My pal Camile is comming down tonight. I just want to finish clearing out the spare room, swiffer the halls, and get soem D&D stuff done up for game on friday. but instead it will be spent listening to her troubles, doing something birthday wise for her and who knows what else.
No not that.
The first bike race is schedualed for this saturday, so I am excited about that and still need to get some more gear.
Finances are in the crapper like always. I thought I was doing well, but going to ICON sucked me dry and then some. I still have to call the damn hotel about geting a reduced rate and I think the shitty online place super over charged me for the room.

In lab news all of my mutants should be in next week so I'm really psyched to stat work. I need to run upstairs now to check on some methods. May be back to report more later.


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