Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, May 12, 2006

Today's post is brought to you by the letter "B". Also known as 10 words that start with B and what they mean to me. If you'd like to play along reply to this post and recieve a letter of your verry own, possibly the letter 2.

1. BiPolar - I don't think this needs much explination for anyone who has been reading this journal of insanity. I yo-yo in my mood almost as much as I do in topic. Even though I'm not diagnosed as such this is much the way I live. I'm the kind of person who dosen't have a lot of grey, everything is black or white and more often than not I see the black and white at the same time.

2. Brain - Intelegence means a lot to me. They used to say we only use 10% of our brains and I fell like thats an average of 80% of the people using 3% of their brains and the other 20% of us taking up the slack. This could also be used to describe me I guess. I don't think of myself as a brain, usually a geek, but thats not a B word.

3. Belated - I like to procrastinate, well maybe like isn't the right word. It just kind of happens ok. So my birthday wishes are all belated as are just about any other well wishing. I try not to be late, but hey ships happen. "Belay that order commander!"

4. Break/Broken - this would well describe many parts of me, few physical. In some ways its amazing how much punishment the body/mind can take and continue on. This would also describe much of the world around me as I'm generally a clutz. Things get broken. I usually prefer a clean break, but you take what you get I guess.

5. Bacillus - A genuis of bacteria, which contains some soil bugs and some pathogens, all of which form spores. This is what I'm doing my graduate research on and will be studying for the next few years. From a word I hardly thought of, its become one of my daily utterences now. They are really cool bugs.

6. Boring - The story of someone else's life. Bordom is one of my most hated things. When I'm bored I think and when I think bad things happen. So much of my life is all about staying busy and keeping myself one step ahead of the horrors nipping at my heels. To be bored is to be dead and busy alive.

7. Bastard - Though I'm not one in a strict literal sence, I have been called one on many an occation. I pride myself on being evil. I would put forward that most people really don't understand the concept. They look out at the bad things around them and slap a nice label on them so they can feel beter about themselves. True evil is a darkness which resides in only a select few of us. It is the difference between a common criminal and a villian. Bastards are nescesary in the world or else we would have no frame of refference with which to judge the good by.

8. Bizar - another word I've often been called. I would refer to think of myself as someone who sees life through open eyes. Most people want to slap a stamp of weird or bizar on anything which dosen't fit into their little cubicle life style. There is more to this world than the cookie cutter life we see in story books. I don't want a white picket fence with my 2.4 standardized children and my comfortable job of moving peices of paper from stack A to stack B.

9. Boobs - Breasts, Bazongas, bazookas, Who dosen't like these? Well besides stuffy men who don't see them enough and want to enflict the rest of the world with their own in adequicies. People in this country need to lighten up and stop trying to enforce rules written in an ancient time for ancient people. Though I should even take this further and say that these people should stop trying to repress the rest of the country with their own hang-ups, by claiming they are the rules laid down by some divine power, even though the teachings of their book don't really support them. I *heart* Boobs.

10. Bon soir - yes goodnight all. I like a bit of french and a tad of chinese. Mixing of cultures is good and will improve us all. Why is it that english is one of the few european languages which has a real pussy word for far well. Just think about it for a moment. You're a kick ass assassin about to off someone, what do you say to sound cool?
"Areviderchi motherfucker" Yeah!!! Mob style.
"Hasta la Vista, dirt bag" very T2, but still cool.
Now if you're more smooth and sophisticated...
"Aurevoir ass wipe"
"Bon soir, mon chere" (for taking out hot chicks)
even "Ciao" isn't bad.
So what do we have?
"Good by,... umh...honey" What are you killing someone or off to the office.
"Take care", "See ya", "Bye bye", "Good night (sweet prince?)" Lordy we're pussed out.


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