Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

So far I am enjoying my time away from online RP. I'm still reading through the posts and its kind of disheartening how little the crew, and I mean just about all of them, understand things like technology, plot devices, character development, plot development, ect.
Its really not that hard to follow. And I don't mean you have to understand the science behind the technology. If you define device A as doing action B, who cares how that happens or you can use some trechnobabble if you want. The important thing is you remember what B is.
For example, the current story line is sort of a holodeck gone bad spin off. My character has figured out a way to "hack" the system and write his own holograms. So another character is told to get us some transportation. He writes in a post about going out to steal something instead of asking me to create something for him. Oh well.

In better news my science seems to be on. My DNA extraction seems to have worked for the second day in a row. Now its time to start doing it on real samples. The PCR from yesterday also worked correctly, so lab life is good for the time being.

Also in good news I wrote up most of a story yesterday to enter into anotherrealm's garage sale contest. Its no contest winner, but should be a decent read. Its deffinatly not some of my best work, but right now I'm happy to be writing anything and hopefully with a little practice the rest will come back to me.

Last night I saw "8 Below", the semi true story of a man and his love for his dog sled team. Wow what a tear jerker. If you love dogs you'll probably ball through this film.


Blogger Shadicats said...

I do believe I posted that and warned people. :P 8 below not a kids movie ... what was disney thinking?

9:15 AM  

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