Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, June 16, 2006

Yesterday was a long day. One of the guys in the lab defended and we went out to dinner afterwards, a dinner which was supposed to begin at 7 but some people showed up 45 minutes late, so we got our food around 8:30. The food was good. It was a very swanky resturant. I kind of wish I had gone for a more adventurous dish, as the steak was tasty but I've had better.

Today is kind of a short day. I got in late, not so much because I got up late, which I did, but because there was an accident on 9 and I got held up for about 40 minutes.
Its also somewhat of a sad day. I just put in a 2 week loa to both of the online RPGs I'm in. One of the players (same one in both games) is an overly controlling bitch. Role playing should have some sort of story to it. You set up some sort of beginning, middle, and end to keep things together, but in the end it should all be character driven. If the story takes a turn or twist due to what a character does, you shouldn't continue to hold fast to your plan.
This is what continues to happen. She wants to plan everything out and won't accept any sort of deviations from the script. Well then whats the point of playing it out? There is no mystery, no excitement, and a lack of creative imput from anyone but her.
I'll probably end up quitting both games, which for one is kind of sad because I've been in it for a few years now.

Its also a sad day as my Morman friend won't be comming in all of next week, so this is nearly the last time I will see her. I really don't like losing people, especially when I think they are cool and fun.

Only real good news is it is game night. I've got some stuff worked up for it, but not as much as I'd like. There is just too much in flux right now and there is a very good chance no one will survive this adventure, which is not how I like to run things. Well who knows, maybe someone will come up with something I haven't thought of yet.


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