Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, August 11, 2006

GenCon Day 4,
Up at 8:40 today, its raining. I try to log in but the hotel net is all screwy. Great just F-ing great. I get an umbrella from the concierge at the hotel and we roll. The umbrella sucks. The wind makes it turn inside out every few moments. I duck into a Mexican place to gram some fast breaking chow and K-biz rolls on. After some struggle I make it to the dealer’s room.
One thing I will say is the burrito is great, its eggs, potatoes, chicken, and a cheese salsa sauce, very tasty.
The doors open and the day really kicks off. Right away we get a few sales. I pop over to wizards and check off a few more demos, but the line for the giant dice roll for free stuff is too long so I tool around for a while checking out other stuff. I get some free minis and see some art I like. Today I remember to bring my camera along so when I get back there will be a spread of nifty stuff, some hotties, and some not-ies.
I successfully find the booth with the cup full of minis for 5$. I see a future containing the party being attacked by hordes of one legged/ one armed mutant monsters next week.
I get back to the booth. K-biz takes off. I sell a bunch of boards. He returns I go out again and this time find some dirt cheap scenery pieces, walls for like 1$ and doors and stuff at 50cents each. I blow about 30$ on that. I meet some guys at reaper who are very interested in the adv board. There is a big space here. We sell some more. I kick out to steak and shake for lunch around 3pm. I get some shitty service and a way too thick shake, had to eat it with a spoon. All in all it was a good day. We sold 14 boards. Peter our booth buddy took us out for dinner to talk about new products and stuff. He was all pissed that Larry, the Settler’s of Catan guy came over and threatened legal action against him because he made a plastic boarder for the settler’s game. Anyone who has played it knows how much the hex pieces shift and come apart so IMO the boarder is a great idea. Larry didn’t think so and threw a fit. What is funny about the whole thing is Larry came over and yelled at K-biz because he thought we were all the same company.
We spent another night cutting magnets. I’ve now had two full days at gen con and still haven’t played a real game yet. I think I’m going to take the time to tomorrow.


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