Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Haven't had much chance to post these last few days, but likewise I don't have too much to tell.

I've been working on a story with some of my old friends from Its really good to hear from them and that they are doing well.
I've got most of a script for Gamers Anonymous part 2 done, but am a bit stuck on the ending.

Its been a crazy Ebay buying week. I've spent well over 1K bucks on costumes and accessories, but in good news BZ and I now have most of the star wars costumes for the wedding, at leats the wedding party. Now we just need to do all that normal wedding stuff, a place to have it, invitations, food, drinks, ect. Oh and to ask the people we want to be in the wedding party.

Big foot movie is still mulling around in my head. I want to try to finish up a few of the projects I'm working on before I start writing it.

Oh that Cat is getting even wackier. She feels the need to follow me and BZ around the house and meow for petting, but then runs away whe you go to pet her. I think she likes the chase game she plays with doggie all too well. Doggie has perked up back to her hapy self now that she has a new buddy.


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