Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Its been a few days since I've posted. Its probably because my nights have been going something like this:
10:00pm go to bed/ watch 1 eppisode of futurama to wind down.
10:30pm fall asleep
10:55pm woken up when BZ goes down stairs to read
11:10 fall back asleep
11:40 woken up as cat walks across back
11:50 fall back asleep
11:59 woken up as dog pokes cat
12:10 fall back asleep
12:30 woken up as BZ comes back to bed
1:00 fall back asleep takes a while because room reeks of cig smoke
1:45 woken up as cat and dog play on bed
2:00 fall back asleep
2:30 woken up by pets again, more cat walking on back. Kick pets out of bed room
2:50 fall back asleep
3:25 door wasn't closed tight enough cat is back wake up again.
3:45 BZ kicks pets out and close door hard
4:30 dog is wining or cat meowing wake up agian
4:40 fall back asleep
4:50 alarm goes off, try to ignore it for a few moments.
5:10 get up for school.

So needless to say I've been beat tired.

At least its nice to know the world hasn't gone completly mad in my days of exhaustion.
No....wait a moment......

A list of items which are allowed to be taken on planes.
Note last item on number 4.
Apparently we're willing to risk terrorist attacks so that some puddle skipper playboy can get his groove on 20K above sea level.
I wonder what their stance is on other brands of personal lubricants. How about flavored massage oils? And whats with the ban on liquid spermicides?
Has the war on terror and the war on reproductive rights finally merged?

I do strongly suggest to anyone about to take a plane trip in the near future to take full advantage of your rights. Airlines are not only permitting sex lube on planes, but it seems to me that are all but encouraging you to join the mile high club. "So come pork the friendly skies."
Now if only we'd get back to hiring hot flight attendants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going away in October and they are giving me the run around aout my epi pens. So I guess if I go into anaphalaxis shock its ok as long as I am getting my grove on.


3:40 PM  

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