Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well I can't let the saddness of the last post dictate this blog, so here goes.

Bob's rocks!!!!

This weekend we got 2 end tables and a nice coffee table for only 69$. We finished most of the front pourch, its repainted, the new stairs are up and the trim work is almost done.
We made the big trip to the dump too, finally trashing the stove which was out in front of the house. We also gave away the crappy couches I had gotten from my grandparents. So now our living room is actually livable:) and dosen't resemble a crappy college dorm room.

I put the finishing touches on the DnD film and have finished the stuff needed to send it in to wizards. It has been accepted so we are in the contest!!!!
Unfortunatly in doing so I had to sign over all of the rights to the film, which blows. I don't think the waiver said anything about sequals, but the character images might be theirs now.
This double sucks as I was going to do 2 sequals to it and possibly sell them at cons. Well I'll go and make them anyway and if we don't win I'll push ahead that plan.

Griddles the wacky cat is finaly setteling in or at least feeling at home. She follows me and BZ around the house now, which is cute, but she tends to get kind of wacky. I think she might be one of those cats who sees ghosts and stuff. As she will enter a room, then just go tearing around it. She also does this weird little jump. She and the dog do seem to be getting along well except when they are competing for our affection. Then the dog gets a bit pokie and sends the cat away.


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