Memories of the Future

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Monday, November 13, 2006

Part 2: MY responce

Where did you get this nonsence? :)

I tried to do some searches on Greg braden, but didn't get any hits in pubmed, which contains just about all bio medical scientific journals.
I looked up the institute of Heart Math. They don't have a paper in their recent publications section with the title in this email.
Do you have any published journal articles or the names of them which corespond to these "experiments" he did?

Also in his HIV "experiment" what does 300,000 times the resistance mean? What was the sample size? What was the experiment? For all of his experiments I see a total lack of controls.
Just some questions you should be proposing to your students if you gave them this article.

I did find this review of his book.

You have to watch out for these pseudoscience charlatins.


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