Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So here is a question, where does freedom end and establishment begin.
Take for instance the issue of muslim women wearing veils which is currently plaguing the UK right now and has come up here in the past.
The Muslim religion (or at least certain factions of it) states that women must not leave the house with their face uncovered and there are a lot of follow ups to this of who and who can see thier faces. This religion also is a male dominated religion. Women hold no power and are often see as little more than livestock.
So here lies the prediciment. In a free country like america where these women have a right to choose their religion is it right to allow them to wear these head scarves?
The easy answer would be to say yes. Its their choice to be in the religion and their choice to wear the garb.
But if you take this a step further and concider that women born into the muslem faith may not have a choice in which they wish to enter that religion. They may not have many rights at all and no choice what so ever if they want to wear the veil. They also have a fear of honor killings or the like if they attempt to leave the faith.
So what to do?
On one hand we shouldn't be laying down the law on what is and is not permitable by a faith.
On the other hand american citizens should have a real choice as to what they wish to beleive and which arceaic rules they wish to follow.
So do we force freedom on these people, freedom meaning you can't do what you beleive so that we know these woman have a choice in the matter, choice meaning do what we think is right.

So there it is the internal conflict of freedom.


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