Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Thursday, potential inlaws are comming in today, my brother is off for LA and I'm here at school.
Its been a busy day, which is why this is comming in so late. In good news my experiments from yesterday seem to have worked well. In less than good news, the presentation I was working on is all crap and needs to be redone. It should be a good learning experience though.
In worse news, the grant proposal which I turned in for my other class, sucked every bit s much as I though it did and almost got me a C in the cource. I can't begin to say how pissed I am with my self. Another class I stuck it out in all semister and tried my best in all of it exept for the paper, which of cource was worth almost the whole grade of the class. I don't know why I screw stuff up right at the end like this. I will still have a B average I think so I'm not in a failing out range, but it dosen't look good.
Also I got one last kick in the pants from Pfizer. Apparently this year they aren't giving any of their not so spendy holiday gifts to any terminated emploeys. This is the first year they haven't done this. My friends who left last year and left earlier than I did, still got gifts. Well a big fuck you to PFE. Anyone who reads this and is concidering working there, Don't.
In good news I did come up with a decent story idea, which isn't just a world, like many of my last ideas have been. I'm going to flesh it out some and try to send it into I'll let you all know when it goes in.

Well I have a lot to read and need to try to get home a bit early to do somefinal cleaning before anyone comes over. Happy new year to all if I don't get to post again.


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