Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Having a pretty decent day in the lab. Getting a lot done and not making too many errors. Unfortunatly it looks like I will have to come in tomorow and not have a day off like I was planning.

I'm not realy sure where to pick up from on my big rant below.
I tend to start wiith an idea for something like that and just see where it goes. Any new thoughts usually have to be worked through a few times before I get them right.

Oh I forgot to mention, more from "mirror mirror", which is still sucking BTW. As someone mentioned before it is the story of snow white, but a crappy suck ass version of it. First off, its set in Italy and all of the characters have these really long italian names, which is really annoying. Secondly its riddled with bits of christian mythos, lance of longenius, a branch from the tree of knowlege, ect. Apparently the Author couldn't think of a better place to get an apple from.
Third, apparently Dwarfs are rocks. Yes you heard me. They are rocks, sucky rocks and all they do is babble about being ricks and how they need the 8th dwarf to make things right. Well he finally showed up and guess what. The rocks forgot all about him. What the shit? Fucking stupid rocks.
Oh and apparently they are the ones who made the mirror, which has only just shown up in the 5th of 6 tapes. The whole things just reeks of a lack of creativity. This chump had a crappy idea for a story and knew no one would ever buy it due to a very high suck factor. So he mixes it in with the Snow white story because he knows people will concider reading that. Pisses me off.

Well back to work.


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