Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Pound pound pound, Thats what my head was doing this morning when I got up showered and roled off to work.
Off to work you might ask, but its saturday and its the start of xmas vacation.
Yeah the irony is not lost on me. I don't think I'm going to be having much of a vacation.
I will say that besides the headache, I'm feeling much better than last night. Much better than I have in a while. I awoke to passive tranquility and lucidity. This is after the dream.
In this morning's dream, I was with BZ. And for some reason she mentioned that we needed to get a tractor mower, which is kind of funny and odd since my yard can be hand mowed in about 10 minuites. Well the tractor seemed like a good idea to me and thankfully I had seen signs on the way home about some place that was having a sale on tractors 20% off I think. We talk about going, but then get lazy. Yeah this is us we're talking about.
So the next day I'm late for work and as I'm driving I realize I'm going past where the sale is taking place so I decide to swing in.
Now where this ends up being is the parking lot for new london high school and thhere are a bunch of tractor mowers parked here and there on display. The sales man acts like some loony used car guy, and looks kind of like denis quaid from christmas vacation, he even has one of those hats with ear flaps.
I ask him to see a tractor and tell him I don't need a big one. He shows me this tiny shitty red tractor which looks kind of like one my parents used to own, but with smaller tires so it rides real low. Then he quotes me a price of about 1K which is nuts. This is already with the 20% off. He gives me some big story about how this is as cheap as they get and shows me the invoice and sure enough, the cheapest tractor he has is about 1K and they go up from there.
Also on this invoice paper are pictures of some paintball equipment. So I ask him about them and apparently he also sells paintball stuff here. The markers are all home maid and look like big cartoon guns. I test fire one a few times before it breaks a ball and needs to be dissassembled. When I pul the hopper of I can see that there are some really big sized balls in it, which apparently this gun fires balls of all different sizes. So I pitch him the idea of making a bazooka instead of thi peice of crap he is selling. I've seen paintball bazookas and they are kind of cool and seel pretty well for senerio games. This is where the dream ends.
Welll I need to get going before I'm stuck here all day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol - thanks - now i have AC/DC - Big Balls running in my head. :P

8:56 AM  
Blogger Shadicats said...

It's what you get for drinking far too much.

12:45 PM  

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