Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Well its Wensday. I'm back off of vacation and ever so excited to be back at school/work. That is if I could jjust stay awake. Thats probably thhe hardest art about comming back is rearranging your schedual. Too used to staying up until after midnight and sleeping til 8 or 9 am. getting up at 6:40 was rough and thats even late for what I usually do.

On monday me abd BZ too a trip to wallmart and bagged us a whole bunch of sleds. Then we met up with my Fam and spent the day racing down a hill at break but speeds. I say break but because there were a lot of hidden rocks and the plastic on the sleds was pretty thin so my tail bone took a pounding. It was marvelous fun thogh. For anyone just a few years away from a mid life crisis I can't recoment it enough.

I had some wild dreams last night but can't remember them now. All I know is there was lots of comebat and they were bizar. Maybe I was fighting rugs or something. Who knows.

Watched Anchorman 'the story of Ron Burgandy' last night. It was pretty good. Some of it was a bit over the top, but the rest was hysterical. And the guest appearances were fantastic.

Thats about it for now. Off to get some stuff done before anyone gets in.
Though I thnk its just me and the boss today. Yikes.


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