Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Ok, well dinner for tonight is off so I may get to leave a smidge early and I cemented in my day off for tomorow.

not too much exciting going on here. Waiting for a gel to dry so I can expose it to film. Just fnished writing up a labeling reaction procedure. Contemplating the mysteries of life, like how do manage a' tois happen?
In the movies they only seem to happen when three people get stuck in some sort of situation together with lots of sexual tension and usually they are sleeping with one another anyway.
In porn films...well they happen just about any time there are 3 people in the same room together.

But in real life how do they occur? I've read plenty of nuddie book stories of the happening, usually following a game of strip poker or sometimes on birthdays with agirlfriend and her hot friend.
Maybe I'm just real dense.

I've played strip poker before and could have hooked up after if I had played my crads better (figurativly not literally), but I'm not really sure how the game started. Some one was like hey you want to play and there were two good looking gals there so I was in.

I've also been in a 3 some before, but again I'm not really sure how it happened. There was booze involved, yikes, doing tea cup sized shots of jaggermeister (these were literal tea cups). So I start kissing one of the girls there. Then I starts kissing the other one. Then they kiss and the rest is history.

At this stage of life the chance to play strip poker and hardcore drinking parties don't come up that often. Not that they were that prevalent before...well maybe the drinking parties. So have oppertunities entirly passed me by? Or have random oppertunities just passed by.

This does remind me of a story one of the guuys in the lab was telling us the other day about a friend of his (yeah, a friend of a friend). Apparently he and his wife got invited to a party. When they get there they realize (it was probably hard to miss) that it was a sex toy party. Lines of plastic faluses and holes in which to stick things in, buzzing, huming, glow in the dark, and every color of the rainbow, and even some colors notin the rainbow. Also there were quite a few attractive people there, but I don't think they stayed much beyond when the hostess brought out some monster sized dildo and claimed it was the greatest thing she owned. Apparently the sex party virgin couple mistook the invitation which specified "Adult" party to simply mean no children.

Again these are things I hear about, sex toy parties, lingurie parties, orgies. All of them seem just beyond reality to me. Maybe I just have prudish friends or maybe I give of the "Prude vibe". You never want to be that guy(or gal). Its a stigmata worse than most.

Well back to work.


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