Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, December 27, 2004

well, another xmas come and gone. I think my grinching begins a little easier. All those shopping people, the lists of presents from who knows where, the people who don't give you a list and magically want you to come up with the perfect gift from things they have randomly pointed out over the year. I think next year I'm just going to give people wiskey and advil. That way they have some thing to help them deal with me and something to make them feel better in the AM.

I did get a kick ass sword, a weight set, a new D&D book and a sizable check from my parents to help me get the appt at school.

I saw King Arthor last night. For a movie about knights and stuff it was really quite borring. There were really only two fight scenes and a lot of space inbetween. I do fine it kind of funny that it pretends to be the "real" story of king arthor. It even starts with some quote from archeologists, then jumps right into hollywood suckfest. Why is it in films like this that the cool guys usually die. I'f you're the bad ass who fights with 2 swords chances are you're going to eat it. IF you're the whiny baby of the group you're almost garunteed to survive. Thats not how it should be.

Hmm I had a lot more to say but the morning is working its self along slow. Morning now extends un til about 11am.


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