Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Last night went well. I got home early enough, and found doggie waiting to get out of her cage to go outside and run around for a bit. She was still a bit lethargic, compaired to normal, but she ate some food drank some water and there were no barfing eppisodes in the night. Whew!

We had a decent amount of Trick or Treaters and unlike last year only a few of them were costumeless older teans. Some people are just jerks. Lots of cute kids in cute costumes. Possibly the best was some kid dressed up as darth vader. As he was walking back off the porch, doggie lets out this big bark. I've never seen darth vader jump so high, dark lord of the scardie cats, heheheh.

While the kids were ringing the door bell, me and BZ watched "Land of the Dead", the new one. It was pretty good, possible the best horror/gore fest I've seen in a while. I did have a few problems with it though.
The basic premise of the movie seems to be that america has become over run by zombies. Yes I know what you are thinking how is that different that now. Well these zombies don't vote and they eat human flesh. Ok so zombies over run america and there are just a few cities of normal folk left. So far I like the concept. Its an interesting realm to exist in. Now the dumb thing about this is first off most of the people still alive are just normal folk who are split into the normal sort of rich people in a tall tower and poor people living off the streets. I would think that if zombies started to take over america, it would be the strong who would survive. Navy seals, army rangers, people who are trained to kick ass. Instead we have a bunch of defenseless regular folk, who for the life of me I can't understand what their purpose in this city was. The city is guarded by a piss poor army, which seems to be made up of rent-a-cops and some weekend warrior national guard type. They can't shoot for shit. They have no hand to hand combat skills. Even their weapons suck. The city's defence is mainly a big chain link fence.

For these reasons the film gets a "D" in terms of beleivability. As with all horror movies, most deaths could be prevented byutilizing skills I learned playing D&D.
1. Hack first, ask questions later. As soon as you know the world is over run by zombies, any who dosne't answer simple questions like "Who goes there?" should be wasted on the spot. Also if their answer is any sort of grunt, moan, or repetition of something like "Mmmm, Brains" waste them too.
2. Use your spot, and listen skills. Zombies are dumb and clumsy. They tend to stumble into stuff and make niose. Do not wear headphones when you are on watch duty or some place which is not secure.
3. Ranged weapons are good, but expendable. Always have a good Meele back up.
4. Zombies have damage reduction all over except for their heads. A single shot to the head usually kills them, so shoot for the head!!! More people in this film have full auto weapons and open up with body shots on the zombies, who just keep comming.
5. Just because its lying down dosen't mean its dead. Double check those who lay there, and don't double check by steping on them or poking them with your pistol, get a long stick.
6. Don't give up the high ground. If you are in a tower with a machine gun and the Zombies are on the ground, don't climb out of the tower. Zombies don't climb well and you can shoot down at them. They can't eat you if they can't reach you.
7. Don't expect a beat all trick which has worked to keep working. Monsters learn, even if it is slowly.
8. Bring the fight to them. If you know where the zombies are, go there and kill them. Don't expect your pathetic defenses to hold them off if they decide to come for you in mass. Many times in this film the zombie hunters just walk away leaving the living dead to go on eating people and doing their zombie things. If they had done clean sweaps to start all of the trouble could have been averted.

Two things I could not stress enough in this film are greteuous waste of ammo and lack of head shots.


Blogger Shadicats said...

9. Canada is a haven for runaway military types. Plus we don't supposedly have zombies.

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this phrase :)

4:44 AM  
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