Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

To catch up a bit, I've been on the edge of beat tired all week and barly able to sit down.
This weekend I saw "Kingdom of Hevean" It was a decent flick. It was nice to see Orlando Bloom a bit more dirty and not the wuss he was in "Troy". I must say though Orlando really can't pull off those motivating speaches, used to rally crowds to your agendas, like Mel did in "Braverheart", or that Strider guy did in LotR films. It was a drastic improvement over "Alexander" but then it's not hard to be. There were quite a few good action scenes and I liked how they dumped on the religious stuff from time to time. Our world really needs more people to speak out rationally and make sence, instead of just quoting some ancient book and claiming holy forces support what ever stupid agenda you have.

Also we played on friday, for having only prepared a small part of the adventure the group decided to run off on, I think I did pretty well. We did have two fatilities, one of which was restored. I feel a bit bad about the other, but when you deal with the devil.....


Blogger Jamie said...

I didn't die. I just switched teams. :D

12:35 PM  

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