Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Got into a lovely nonverbal fight yesterday (nonphysical too for those currious). I'm not dealing well with a severe lack of privacy which seems to be all the rage. As much as I like compagny and being around other people there are times where you just want some alone time, and no not just for that (pervs). Knowing that people actually read this means I'm not going to get into all the specifics, but needless to say it wasn't the first time I serriously concidered seeking a night of refuge by sleeping on the couch. In any event I woke up arround 3:30 this AM and couldn't fall back asleep.

In a seperate but conjoined event I'm having serrious money worries. We live at the edge of our means. Yeah it would help some if I had a real job instead of going to school and making pocket change, but I don't see me dropping out just yet. The problem comes down to credit, society's willing ness to sell you stuff based on credit and our lack of restraint in the purchasing.

We were in serious debt, to the tune of 40Kish. Thanks to a quickly rising home market, I find myself in a place of equitity oppertunity, serriously needed oppertunity as we were bust, not making enough money to pay all the bills. So I took a chance. I don't have much in this world of value, a house, this computer(2 years old so valued somewhere around a nice paper weight), a comic book collection (which isn't as good of an investment as you might think), and thats about it. We rolled all of the outstanding debt into the house, thinking that with some persurverence and restraint we could be totally out of debt in 4-5 years. So we now had bills we could afford to pay and a chance to dig ourselves out. So what do we do?

Well I buy a new car. This was somewhat of a nesicity as mustangs don't drive in the winter, but I could have gone used or gotten something striped down instead of the delux model. So any money I was saving by not having an apartment was gone.
Then we buy a 2500$ entertainment system. Best buy is great, no interest for 24 months. So now one of the big checks we were to receive and use for the loan is eaten up, so we're looking at a 5-6 year plan now.
Now its proposed that instead of paying off this debt with the check we buy something new, which will eat up the check and then some.

So where are we at the end of the day, well I've got an extra 40K on my house and we are crediting ourselves back into debt with no forseeable escape in sight.

This was one heck of a bitch scession and I don't feel any better.
Going to get some coffee to try to stay awake, that is if I can scrounge up a dollar.


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