Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, January 05, 2006

In continuation of yesterday's post,
I suggest you all do your selves a favor and be thankful for the hoard of simpeltons who have bought up just about every available copy of "the notebook". I was forced to sit through it last night and I mean it was a:
"Put the D&D stuff away, you can't watch this unless you are going to pay attention" sort of a standoff....
So if any readers have any complaints about this week's adventure you can also blame "The Notebook".

This film is the essence of Hollywood drivel.
Typical overly predictable plotline, boy meets girl, boy falls in love, boy loses girl, she finds someone new at the drop of a hat, boy makes giant gesture (rebuilds a house in this case), gesture works, girl comes back and they live happily ever after.
Well there is some nonsence about reading the film as a story and adult onset dimensia as filler to try to give this beat plot a new twist, but it just dosen't work.

To add to this I hated the characters. The girl was an annoying, high pitched shreiking bitch. The boy was a go no where townie, so they could add in the plot device which is so overused it could only be described as a vibrator which only comes on intermittantly. So rich girl poor boy, her parents hate it, but of cource love conquors all.
If this was any more factory built they might as wel have had an "Approved by New Line Cinemas" stamp in the bottom corner of the screen the whole time it was running.

To continue, the acting was fairly sub standard. Ryan Gosling has one expression on his face the entire film and that expression is "Duhhhh". Seriously Pam Anderson has played more convincing parts.

There is only one more thing I can say about this film.
Chicks love it. They eat this shit up like it was chocolate pudding.
The only reason to get this film is that you'll probably get laid afterward, but try to wait at least 15 minutes so she can finish blowing her nose and get the red out of her eyes.


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