Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, December 21, 2007

Apparently I just can't get back into the habbit of posting. I ran accross this article which parts of bothered me.

No its just fine through most of it, yada yada yada x-mas is all made up and a bunch of bs. Thats just fine until we get to this part:

“The thing is, belief in Santa does not generate a moral code, it does not generate art, it does not generate imagination. Belief in God is a bit bigger than that,” the Archbishop said.

Huh, What???
Beleif in santa dosen't generate a moral code???
What part of good children get gifts and stuff and bad children get coal or nothing does he not understand. I guess this is so different from good people get into heaven, bad people go to hell that it just went over his head. See with Santa you get a year by year update as to how good you are being and you also get physical/real benefits that you can use in the world now. Where with God, you don't really know if you have been bad or good until its too late and you're dead. Then you only get a reward thats usefull if you are dead.
So I guiess the only good moral code is one thats confusing and leaves you totally in the dark. Great, just great.

And what is he talking about Santa dosen't generate Art or stimulate the imagination??? Has he not seen a Coke comercial in the last 30 years? Has he not been to a halmark? Has he not been to walmart, target, K-mart, or any where else that sells x-mas cards, decorations, gift ideas, ect??? In the curent age Santa has inspired more art than god could ever hope to.

Got to love the holidays.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan

HOpe you get this. It's Novyl here. Remember me?

Remember Devil of a Job?

How's it going? I came across blog when I typed in Novyl into google.

HOw are you? Are you still writing? Do you still visit AR?

What's happening? Email me sometime, if you still have my email address.


-Novyl :)

4:26 AM  
Blogger Neil Jackson said...

Looking at your interests list, I think my work ticks most of the boxes. I invite you to check it out; this is not spam... if you think its crap, say so on the blog comments.

However, if you like it, spread the word.

11:29 PM  

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