Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, March 07, 2005

Its crazy monday again. I got a bit of a late start and had a lot to do before leaving for school so this is the first chance I've had to get anything down.
The weekend was good and productive. Friday's game went pretty well, or at least it was until the end where one of the players died while they were splitting up treasure, don't eat magic nuts should be on those lists of good D&D habbits right after, don't go in the water.

Saturday was a nonstop day on the go. I was up at 6 to get in here by 8ish, closer to nine all things considered, so that I could finish up an experiment that was running friday. In between the incubation step and the wash step, I ran over to the appartment to help my friend move out. These next few days are going to be hard, getting used to her being gone. Then it was back to school to finish the experiment and get home before 2 so I could close on my refinance of the house. After that we had about an hour or so of rest time before we took off for my parents to have dinner with my grandfather. It was nice to see everyone, even though the buffet chinese did a number of my stomach.

Sunday was a day of rest and cooking. I made 4 different dishes through out the day to try to stay on this diet. Cheating did occur around dinner time but the rest of the day wasn't bad. Add in some gaming and some shopping and thats my weekend.

Today I'm rerunning the same experiment I did over the weekend to try to get it to work better. These things are so touchy.
Not too much else going on, trying not to think, but there are a lot of down time steps in this sort of work.


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