Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Question of the day....
Is beer a complex carb or a simple carb?
I don't remember seeing beer on the list of good carbs, but then they didn't have any drinks on any of the lists I saw. I skiped two of my carbs yesterday and had 2 beers last night so does that kind of even out? I sure hope so.

In other news I heard this morning that some senator is trying to enforce FCC laws over pay services like cable and satalite radio (you can guess where I heard it).
I'm sorry but this is just rediculas. If people want to pay for a service which may contain some indecent venues that is their choice. They don't need big brother watching over them and protecting them from stuff they bought. What next? Maybe they will apply their standards to movies and film, maybe we will only sell porn with all the sex blurred out and beeps over any noises they make. Fucking moral ass holes.
You should have heard this guy. It was kind of scarry. He kept saying "we will have to make a constitutional change" and gave reasons of protecting our children. Now this is really scary. What constitutional change might he be refering to? Say the freedom of speach perhapse?
Ass whipes! I really wish all these jack ass politicians would just move to some country where the government isn't working well to form their christian dictatorship. We have a nice democracy here, sure we all don't agree, but we tolerate. I guess some factions are tired of tolerating.

I citizen #7,401,327 do here by swear my full and undying alleigance to our lord (say not his name in vain)
And to the toltarian regeim, for the beneficiary it stands.
One nation, ruled by fear and guilt, with safety, and justice for the riteous.



Blogger ladymurasaki said...

no wait up - we want to know what you _really_ think. seriously. ;)

5:32 AM  

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