Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Whats the deal with turtles? What do they have to hide? And why do they feel like they can go through life so slow, just taking it easy, basking in the sun.
No one susects turtles. They are like monkies, adored by millions and for no other reason than they go through life with a shell on their back.

But I'm on to you turtle! I see through your little game. I know whats in the soup.
They call it turtle soup. Is it because turtles are in it? I think not. Its because turtles make it, just like those damn chocolate candies, with the caramel. Its all part of the turtle plan you see.

Step 1: act cute and become adored by the simpletons of the human race.

Setp 2: create food dishes which many people eat.

Step 3: World domination!!!

The next time you see a turtle, you tell him whats up! If we band together now, we can stop this calamity.


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