Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, April 20, 2007

So last week, monday to be exact I went to the gym and felt kind of woosy when I got home. I didn't think too much of it so I just rested up the day and went about the routine I had set up. I set up my interview with borders and ran the job boards.
Tuesday found me worse. I was very cold and had a head ache on and off. I tried to keep hydrated.
By wensday I had a 104 temp and a constant migrain headache. Eatting was difficult and I ended up taking a cold showed to get my temp down.
Thursday found me in the same state and through the proding of my mother I checked into the emergency room. They pumped me full of morphein. I got a cat scan which I hardly remember and a spinal tap, which hurt like the dickens. Not nearly as cool as the movie lead on.
I was diagnosed with Viral Meningitis, possibly bacterial. So I was kept at the hospitle until saturday, when the plates finally came up negative and I was cleared of the bacterial version.

I had a lot more to say about things I saw while under the influnce of a morphein drip, but right now its not comming to me.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Well I've done it.
Applications have been sent into Home Depot, Borders, and Best buy.
It totally sucks, but I need the money and I need to get out of the house.
Its this or I start applying for jobs accross the US instead of just the tristate region.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Money has become tight, real tight.
Its almost to the point where I'm wondering how difficult it would be to fake your own death. With the insurance money we would be siting pretty and could actually afford a life. As is now I guess its back to substitute teaching for me, which I really don't like.
I don't know why my luck with these thins is so bad. I should be readily employable, but I just can't seem to find anything and I've been dumping resumes on the market like "Tom Sawyer" books on a bonfire. It dosen't seem like anything is going great right now.
Even my D&D game seems to be stalling\. With SWummer aproaching many of the players are taking weeks off here and there and even with the 8 core players we have I think we're going to end up down too many to play for the next few scessions at least.

I really hate staying home.
The pets are driving me nuts.
The phone is driving me nuts.
I have a severe lack of human contact.
And the call of depression is comming all too often.