Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Further note to self: When you eat smoething for dinner which makes you sick, do not pack it for lunch the next day.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Note to self:
Dinner consisting of Kilbassa (jalepano peper type) and Kraft Mac and Cheeze is a bad idea. Not only does it allow for prolonged gasseous discharge, with a scented propensity, it also leaves me fairly disorianted the next day. Thought that could also be from a fairly sleepless night.
Second not to self: Turn on AC before bed or open a window. Summer is warm, lack of air flow bad. For further info, see note to self 1.

Well as usual my big plans got shot. My DnD group never made it to may well laid out town, so well have to hold off on results of my first talkie adventure until two weeks from now. This is actually a good thing as I will have more tme to flesh everything in the town out now.

On a stroke of good news, my latest story is finally up on . Its part of a 3 peice story titled "A Devil of a job" at leats I think it is:) I wrote it with two other very talented people and I think its worth a read.

I do have to get my rear in gear and get my contest entry done and in for this months contest, I have something about 1/3 done, but IMO its ass.

The rest of my weekend was spend lounging on the couch and trying to keep the doggie from pestering me.

Note to self three: when buying a dog, check for the words "herding dog" unless you like getting poked by a dog's nose a lot don't get a herding dog. Poke Poke Poke: I want to go out. Poke Poke Poke: I want to play. Poke Poke Poke: pet me. Poke Poke Poke: look what the cat is doing. ARRRRGGGGG stop poking me!!!!!
Poke Poke Poke: you want my stuffed toy.

Well work is calling:)

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Well this day is starting off well. Yesterday I took a "sick day" to gain back a little mental health. Today I get up nice and refreshed after a night of dreams of neon genesis evangelon, quite kick ass I must say.
Well I get to the gym and have myself a decent work out. I ask my friend jeff if he has time for breakfast. He says he does because his boss is taking a one day trip to saint louis. Thsi strikes a chord in my mind. What day is it I ask?
The 23rd he answers.
CRap, I'm supposed to be on that trip. The plane left around 6:15 and by that time its about 7:30. So to make a short story shorter I'm on another sich day to cover me forgetting about the trip:)

Monday, June 21, 2004

Well this weekend was an exciting one. Saturday I went in with some friends of mine and rented a 2700psi power washer and gave the old house a good hosing. It was a bit dissappointing in actuality. Of the different nosels we were given with the piece of equipment only one did a really good job for the most. We started out with a normal tip, which was not quite as powerful as my garden hose. then we switched to a wide birst tip, also weak and barly got the house wet. Finally we switched to the tip that we were warned would shoot holes in concrete. Well I guess some of the dirt on my houise is stronger than concrete as it took a focused spraying to even get some of it off. On a good note after about an hour of use the thing finally got up to full power and I was able to use the wide burst sprayer to remove all of the green smutz from the front porch.
End result, house does look a little cleaner, at least form the outside.

Sunday was my first try at Frisbee Golf. Its a lot of fun but a taxing sport. We played an 18 hole cource 3 times. By the third run through the cource my arms were killing me. When I woke up this morning it was stiff back, arms, waist, legs, groin....ignore that last bit. It was enough pain that I almost didn't come in to work. Not exactually sure why I did.

So far today I have input data into a spread sheet and finished edditing on a story I have been joint writing. IT should be up on some time soon.

Not too much else going on today. I'm trying to work up a gaming adventure for this friday and it will be my first sort of talkie adventure. I usualy run a lot of combat, which is a lot easier so we'll see how it goes. If it starts to become a disaster I'll probably just sick a big dragon on them or something :)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Well it was another night of dreams.
Last night I found my self carless. I don't know where my smooth ride went to but it wasn't with my and there was no one to pick me up. I don't know exactly where I was but it had a city look to it, kind of like the slummier parts of new london. I decided to walk instead of waiting for some one to come for me.
I head off down the road and there are a small groupd of kids there hanging out in the sidewalk/street. As I start to pass them they start to talk some trash or some thign to me, but I keep going. They begin to follow me. I head off the street and now I'm on a dirt path going through the forrest. There are a lot more kids now maybe 20 or 30. They are still following me and the leader of them catches up and begins to speak to me. I know they are going to try to rob/kill me. He speaks in a plesantish voice and asks me questions about what I do and other chit chat stuff. I begin to run. They run with me. As I tire I stop around a short bend in the path. It over looks a small village, but the village is too far to make it to. If they want me they are going to have to work for it. I ready myself, no fear. I know I could easily take any one of them in a fight, but with that many and me weaponless it will take too long to deal with them before they are able to over whelm me. Also I think some of them are armed. From the corner of my eye I can see some of them trying to sneak around behind me. Their leader comes forward and begins to ask me why I ran. I don't say anything but keep my guard up.
Thats where I wake up.

An odd dream for me.
In other news its really hot today and fairly humid. They gym was heck and it was a semi weak day. Tall Skinny hottie was there, too bad she never smiles. She might have a nice face then. Also the pink top she wore today was not nearly as good as the sports bra of yesterday.

Work has ben exciting. I feel like I'm doing the job of someone a few levels above what I currently am and geting the credit of someone who dosen't do anything. I can't wait to fly the coop here and give them the big FU on the way out.

Well work calls.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Well I spent most of last week in Michigan home of many fine auto manufactures and some greatly poluted lakes. The trip its self was ok, decent food and good hotel room. Unfortunatly the lab I was going up to train was entirly unprepared for me. Their equipment was trash. They hadn't looked over the method we were supposed to be running before hand. And all in all their buildings kind of scared me. It had the look of a post apoctolyptic world war three bunker.

I did have the chance to do a lot of flying durring this trip and will be doing a write up review of airlines for the online magasine Lemorn soon.

I have an odd vision last night. I dreaed that I wastraveling and some one stole my wallet. I went back to the last place I had my wallet and ended up finding it in a trash can, but my meager few dollars were gone along with my licence and credit cards, not good. It ended with me being annoyed that I had to call up and cancle everything. Not really an interesting dream.

What was of interest was the gym this AM. Summer is in full swing and all of the little hotties are in to get their bikiini bodies before it really starts to warm up. Lots of fresh faces, lots of hot bods:)

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

This may be my only post for the week, but to give anyone who cares the general update.

I have once again survived the mountain. Though right now my legs hurt so much even a short flight of stairs is a true challenge of wills. It wasn't as cold this year and no snow, so the trip down wouldn't allow for glishading (sliding down on your butt). I took a realm of great photos, for anyone who cares the sony cam cyber shot P93 or something like that is totally awesome.

I only have a short time to write at this moment as I'm being shipped off for michigan in about an hour. Its always exciting to train people on an experiment so complex I've seen instructions on the back of kool-aid packets which are more difficult.

Well thats about all for now. Have a good week all. And rememebr to bring clean socks.