Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Had to bring my doggie to the vet today and I thought I would share some of my traveling with doggie rules for the future with you all.

1. Don't start the car, then out the dog in the passanger side, close the door and walk around the car. She has a habbit of jumping up on the door and pushing the lock down and its always the side you are walking over to.

2. Put doggie in the back seat. She may like to sit up front, but she also often decided now would be a good time to sit in your lap. Or deides to give you a kiss and you get a big wet dog nose in your ear.

3. Don't let doggie drive. She may be old enough in dog years, but she has a bad sence of direction and tends to want to stop a lot and sniff.

4. Don't take doggie in the car right after a meal. Overly excited dog equals a lot of barfing.

5. Do take dogie for a short walk before going in the car. Excitement can necessitate bathroom breaks.

Thats about all I have for now. No big dreams last night. today at work I began my weigh, fire, weigh, open, photo, vacuum, weigh...experiments. Loys of work in a big rubber suit, which gets quite hot. At least my Ipod has some charge left.

Well work is a calling.
P.S. having 3 different bosses really sucks.

Friday, May 21, 2004

well its friday, I'm tired and looking forward to a relativly rest free weelkend.

I have a few dreams last night bot don't really remember them now. I do remember BZ waking me up in the middle of the night to tell me that I was "her scale". Then she started talking about bagging up fruit and wanting me to weigh it out. I may have to start sleeping on the couch if this keeps up.

P.S. bed is still broken, hopefully will be fixed tonight.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Its another whirlwind day and I'm beat. It seems like everyone wants something from me and no one is around to collect when I'm done.
I had another dream in the middle of the night which woke me up, but again I don't remember what it was about.
I'm starting to think about school more and more and its kind of nerve wracking. I just hope I can live up to all I'm supposed to.
On a hapier note I got an email from Novyl from AR and she wants to do a joint story with me. That should be fun and she's a major chickie check it .

Thats about all the news for today.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

its thursday, things are dull. the swelling on my finger seems to have gone down so I'm thinking it was just some sort of alergic reaction. I'm at work yet there seems to be litle work assigned. I sent out my paintbal gun to get repaired today, I am excited to start the season. Not much else to report, no dreams, skipped the gym this am, but I did watch part of an infomercial for some sort of body sculpting program which looked interesting, or maybe I'm just very easy to influnce early in the morning.

its thursday, things are dull. the swelling on my finger seems to have gone down so I'm thinking it was just some sort of alergic reaction. I'm at work yet there seems to be litle work assigned. I sent out my paintbal gun to get repaired today, I am excited to start the season. Not much else to report, no dreams, skipped the gym this am, but I did watch part of an infomercial for some sort of body sculpting program which looked interesting, or maybe I'm just very easy to influnce early in the morning.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I really hate glue. I spent most of yesterday trying to reglue the bottom shelf on my fridge.
First off the appoxie really smells, kind of like liverworst and ass.
Apparently this is a very attractive smell to dogs and cats as both of the critters did their best to get in and lick at the can I was using to mix it. I have a feeling the cat rolled in it or brushed up on it as he smelled for the rest of the night.
Secondly, the ever convient dual injector to put out the exact amount of each type to mix works like crap. The mixture was for the most part uneven.
Thirdly, The glue dosen't bond nearly as fast as it is supposed to. this could be from the uneve mixture of types of chemical or maybe because the fridge is cold and makes the setting up much slower.
Fourth, I may be some what alergic to the stuff.
This morning I woke up with a major itch between my middle and ring finger on my right hand. Not sure if its the glue or not. Tempest, a friend, just got a spider bite which was itching her like madd. I'm hoping its just the glue and not a bite.

My hands still smell like glue and I'll know when I get home if it actually worked. It damn well better have.

Not much in the dream department last night.
I have graduated to "hi" status with the wendy clone gal at the gym. It seems if you meet some one from the gym outside the gym and say hi to them there then you are allowed to say hi to them in the gym.

So far this AM has been dulls ville, but has gotten their stories back up and my latest contest entry is there, Memoirs of a Supervillian. Please leave feed back on the bulliten board if you can. There was some there but it looks like it all got erased in the big reset.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Wow, aparently the whole set up of this page has changed eithor that or I have plane jumped and I'm in a new reality. Its hard to tell at this minuite. I was going to reort that my newest story is up at and my fan club there has commented on it, but that whole website seems to have shifted back in time a few days so all of the new submissions are gone. Maybe I should just go home.

This weekend was spent for the most part acquiring and installing a new side door. Its kind of funny how 2 hour jobs usually become 11hour jobs at my house.

While I was at the immense home depot I saw some one who goes to my gym. Let me say that people who spend a lot of time getting their bodies into top physical condition really should dress better. In Gym clothes this chick has like a 10 body and maybe a 7 face, which gives her maybe a 9 over all. (Its that good of a body)
Out of gym clothes in the sweatshirt and bad jeans she had on it was more like a 5-6 for body and still the 7 face giving her a 6.5 overal. Absolutly unacceptable. The same could be said for a good number of other gals at the gym. For god's sake ladies you spend all this time getting hot, show it off!

On the good front the door was sucessfully installed and looks very nice. Anyone who breaks it better hope they can run and fast!

Oh one last thign has some odd visions last night. Was about the cat and dog fighting, then the cat was trying to eat our pet rat, which we don't actually have. So I spend a lot of time trying to get the rat away from him. the dog didn't seem to notice it much.

Friday, May 07, 2004

well I have again reached friday and have not yet been able to get ahold of my friend. this means I will probably end up getting picked up at 6am tomorow to head off to hike some mountain in the rain. If I don't post again its probably because I fell off.

Nothing really of note for today so far.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

well its now most of the way through my day and as is not usual I'm making a second statement.

Today was samjam, also known as high school kids come to where I work to learn a bit of scieice. I did the same thing yesterday with two friends of mine. today I got to present with my boss and my old boss (bone head). These two guys are about as cool as french fries, meaning the cooler they think they get the more limp and spud like they become. Yesterday's demos yeilded a lot of less than attractive old bags for teachers. today there was an assundry of young hotties, but can I even get a little flirtie flirtie with even one. No, thanks Bob, thanks, Lenny. It was tough just getting them to do the demo right. Both like to talk a lot so we ran out of time on a few of the scessions. Ugh. I'm beat right now also because I had to do part 2 and 3 of a 3 part demo since some one never learned their lines and didn't even try to. Double Ugh.

Also in my free lunch they forgot to put a sandwich in. The world shall pay!!!!

Well its taken me a while to get the time to do this, work has just been go go go today, have to head down to samjam at 11 to continue warping young minds.
Today the gym was a horror. There was a long ling of beau's working the cardio train and among them was the new girl from yesterday. Now on her I must make note: She came in yesterday and left today with a very large man of affrican decent. She is more of a young thin hot blond, with some crazy cantelopes. No my loyal readers I must say this is just wrong. Not the racial mixing mind you but the billy joel christie brinklie syndrome. Hot chicks should not be dating so far below their social status. I know there is always some inter mixing, but come one. He looked like fat albert in a bandanna and had a set of ho-ho's that would rivel most porn stars. She looked like faith hill with a better set of knockers. These people should barly say hi on the street let alone be seen in public together.
So I'm making this speach to all me Fem readers out there, stop selling your self short. Get some self estieme. You're better than that. If his guns don't make you water then do a quick reload. If you need a bigger package then call UPS and do a little return to sender.
Don't settle for a zero when you can have a hero.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Well this has been one hell of a tuesday. First off some jack ass decided red lights don't apply to him and almost hit me, would have if I hadn't stoped. Also we're not talking about hey its yellow, I beter gun it, this was I'm doing about 50 in a 30 and the light is red and has been for the last 20 seconds.
This is a reason I don't carry a gun because that chump would have been eating lead.
Then it was a bitch of a day at the gym. My arm strength is slowly comming back, but it hurts like a mother. Also I slammed my head into the floor while doing situps with the medicine ball. Not a good addition to the excercise.

Work has been busy today. Its 11am now and this is really the first time I've been able to check my mail. Good news is we may have had a breakthrough in the project we're working on, but its a secret so I can't say more.

I learned the finer points of PCR which was a bunch of fun. Pippet, then push button....thats about it :)

Not too much to say about the weekend, it was an unrestful/relaxing weekend, the kind where you do almost nothing but end up tired. I also realized its hard to find "fun" stuff I want any more,maybe I'm just growing up. IF so it really sucks.

I had one doozie of a dream last night, unfortunatly I didn't write it down when I woke up around midnight. I know I was fighting demons and doing a soso job of it. Specifics were lost though.

Well occupation is calling.