Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Well that wraps another lovly day. I got some feedback on my prelim and its not good. It looks like I will be totally rewriting most of it. Not really the biggest confidence booster, but then its better to have it done right than to think I know what I'm doing. And its better this happen now that at the oral part of the exam, where I would get to look stupid in front of some of the best scientists here.

It always makes me wonder what I'm doing here and why I just don't take the easy way out sometimes. Oh well, back to the grind stone.

Oh also, I wasn't selected to be in the top 10 for the Blogger/student grant. I glanced at a few of the others there and didn't think they were anything special. But I guess then agian neithor is this. Maybe I should have marked out for more readership.
Bah F-em.

I've been reading more and more about christian and other religious groups out right rejecting science. They make falacious statements and spread disinformation about scientific processes, results, papers, books, ect and put forth the claim that the only real truth can be found in their religious book. Its just such nonsence.
It makes me wonder what it would take to start my own religion.
Now you're probably asking yourselves, why on earth would you want to do that?
Well a number of states have passed legislation which makes it legal for pharmicists to refuse to give people drugs if it violates their beleifs.
Well my religion would be based on Evolution and Darwinism and the now mostly forgotten concept of survival of the fittest. Now I'm not proposing anything like genetic clensing or nonsence like that. What I am proposing is removal of harmful memes from society.
If your meme is that we should only beleive what is written in a 2000ish year old book and reject modern science, more power to you. But you should not be able to bennefit from modern science. Be true to your principles.
Reject modern medicine!
Reject modern things like electricity!
Reject modern building materials, like plastics!
Reject automotives, airplanes, steam ships, ect!

At least the Omish are true to their beleifs. People like W. Gary Crampton
are the worst sort of hipocrites and BSers. I'd love to see him try to live his life without the marvels science has brought us.
Heh, hell even your marvelous book wouldn't exist without science. Without the invention of the printing press it would be back to old times and making copies of your book by hand, where practically no two would be the same and each copiest would have the opertunity to rewrite your already miscopied history.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Its another brilliant monday and low and behold its also gate night, michief night, or cabbage night as some call it. Its the night to go out and TP someone's house and throw eggs and other nonsence like that. My place has only gotten egged one year, but I may just gas up the paintball guns just in case.

The weekend was good. Friday's game went well. The group seemed to enjoy my twisted fairy tale adventure and they are progressing along nicely.
Saturday was a mess of runing around in search of a costume, which ended up being a 50$ elf suit which didn't quite fit right. Then it was off to the Rocky Horror Picture Show party my friends T&J threw. It was a good time. BZ was all french maided out. T went as Rocky in the gold bikiini breifs, well they were actualy boxers, but the point got made. J was a little dissappointing as she was supposed to come as Jannet, but instead did up an Eddy (meatloaf). One of their friends came as Frank in the garter and stockings deal, which was awesome. Another one came as an actuall frankfruiter, which was a riot. I know I wasn't really theme appropriate. I was going to come as Rocky (Balboa), but I couldn't find any boxing gloves for cheap. Oh well. The elf went over well. It was a good time.

Sunday was another day of rest.

I have this odd feeling my computer is being hacked. Its working al slow and choppy as if it was being used by someone else. Ugh.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

its a sad sad day.
I decided to look on ebay and see about what I could get for my comic collection.
It looks like it would go for probably under 100$ for the entire thing.
And for those of you who don't know I've probably sunk 5 or 10K into the thing.
You can't even sell comics for their cover price, let alone what the price guides say they are worth. People are selling hundreds of books, in near mint condition for like 15$, including the number 1 issue in the series. Its such bull shit. I'd probably do better laminating them all and selling them as wall paper.

There has been a new phenomon going around, which stands to crumple what is left of the internet and no I'm not talking about the new bill to restrict internet gambeling.
I'm talking about ghost blogging.
Thats right, you have a blog with your name attached to it, yet it seems that some one else is doing the posting and you are taking credit for it. This is B.S. at its finest. Its bad enough to steal someone else's story or book and claim it to be your own, but a blog is personal. Its your thoughts about the world and all things in it. There is no reason for someone else to be doing your posts, its like you stealing their thoughts and you aren't even getting paid for it. Bloggs are free. Writing there is free for you and free to read. So whats the point.

Well I can tell you for a fact I'm not going to put up with it.
I stand for every post I've written so far (except those I sit down for, which is actually most of them as its hard to type standing up). So I will prove to all of you that every post here is actually written by me, or at least all future posts will be. As proof in every post I'll add in some personal data, about me, that only I would know, that way you will know that I wrote it.

For example today I had some sort of cranberry crunch cereal for breakfast. I eat alone in the AM because no one is awake at that hour in my house...except the pets so I guess they could have seen me and told some one. Hmm.....
I like the colors orange and silver. There.
Hmm, but I guess some one could have guessed that about me due to wardrobe.
Ok, this morning on the ride in I created a way of speaking for the D&D campaign, I like to call "Viking talk" after Eliot Often from the Howard Stern Show. No one else could have known that, unless they know I'm running a Viking campaign and habitually listen to Stern on the ride in or if they bugged my car, which is also a possability. Drat, this is harder that I though.

I guess this may not be me actually writing this. Damn. Stupid Ghost Bloggers.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

halloween is comming up and I'm just not feeling it this year. I'm usualy all psyched about dressing up and all that, but now I'm thinking it might just be nice to stay home and turn all the lights out.
Maybe its time to give up all hollidays.

I seem to have nothing cheerful to say lately.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Day 3,

What ever happened to days 1 and 2 you might ask, well they just did.

Nothing is really better, if anything its worse with time.
I ponder deconstructing my reality and what sort of motions that would entail.
The real question is how much of it to put back together.

Friday, October 20, 2006

So its finally begun!!!

I like many others thought the first incidence was just a horrible accident, but now there has been another!

And each time they tell us that its not an attack. That they are a peaceful species. That its only a defensive measure.

Well how do you explain this??,2933,222381,00.html

There is nothing defensive about that.

So I say its time to take action. I can understand why they are pissed off. Hell I'd be mad too if every cartoon I was featured in I had to play the part of a skateboard or a sled or something. Why can't they be seen as cool like sharks or stupid clown fish. Well understanding and allowing are two different things. So I say its time to take back the oceans. Don't take any crap from stingrays. We have better technology and bigger brains. Its time to put the smack down.

And speaking of smack down, When I got on the elevator to head up to the 6th floor to run FACS I saw two hottie lesbians putting some lip smack down on each other. Its not everyday any more you see people making out in the elevator and even more rare is it two attractive chicks. Three cheers for alternative lifestyles!!!
I bet the damn stingrays will be targeting them next!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

well its finally done, at least for the moment. I put the finishing touches on my prelim about 10 minutes ago and sent it off. Now I just have to wait to hear back from my committee, before sending it out to the exam comittee and schedualing a day for the exam. Fun fun fun.

At least now I can get back into some of the projects I've been setting to the side. Works of art, story, edditing work on a friend's story, and the film. I don't think I'm going to try to film this weekend. I want to make sure the exam is a go and take a few days to cool my head.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The days and sleepless nights drag on, but I am finally in sight of the finish of my prelim exam. I only have a few paragraphs left to correct and then I can begin to send it out. We'll worry about the oral part of it later.
So unfortunatly working on this has stolen all of the normal free time I have so the works of art are going to be getting to you slowly, that it unless you want a copy of my prelim, which is a "hopefully" well written grant proposal for work on the inner membrane of spores of bacillus subtilis:) Any takers?

Oh well.

The weekend was a blast, gamed on friday. I must say I'm loving the viking campaign. Yes I know I keep saying that. The horrors of a follow the clues style mission quickly thwarted the players. Well that and by accident I made the big badc guy a few levels too high. So he had to escape for the night in order to get leveled down some. I was able though to set in motion the adventure for next week which should be good as well.
Saturday we went to T&J's place and played some shadow run. Another blast. I can't help it. I love gaming. The game its self is somewhat difficult to follow and I think we're playing some sort of bastardized version of it, but none of that really matters. The misisons are fun and the role playing is working out well.

Sunday we were supposed to film but I never got my rear in gear and got everyone together so it was a no go and became a sit on the couch sort of day and stare at my prelim stuff.

I hadf some odd dream yesterday moring about a new excercise I had invented which could give you rock hard abs in just a few weeks, unfortunatly I forgot what it was when I woke up. Stupid dreams. It was motivation thought to get me back toward the path of losing weight and getting into shape. I went for a walk this morning and will have to work to keep that up.

I thinkthats about all thats new, but will post more if anything comes to me.

Friday, October 13, 2006

For those of you who have requested art, I had to think this over for a bit as to whether to simply recycle stuff I had some where or to do something totally new and creative.
And lucky you I've decided to go with new.
I'll be working on it this weekend and will probably be sending it out on monday.

In other news tonight is night two for the increadible viking campaign. Its also concidently friday, the 13th bum dum da daaaaa.
So in honor of this day of horrible luck and horrors, I've decided to make tonights game the scarriest thing I could think up. Something that will strike fear into my player's hearts and drive maddness into their brains.

Yes you have guessed it. But we'll have to wait until tonight to see if they can, Mwahahahaha.

In final news my prelim paper is almost done. I know I've been slacking on the posting, but all my efforts have gone into finishing this proposal. Once its done I'll be able to get back to the three writing projects I'm working on. I'll be able to finish the film. I'll be able to finish painting all the damn pirate figures I had to get for the campaign. Simply it will be a super mental releif.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The horrors of Memes.

As per instructions (Taken from Shadow, taken from mirintala, which was taken from Oxrs who took from etc.)
The first 4 people to respond to this post will get some form of art, by me, for them. I make no guarantees about quality or type, but I will assure that I will give it good effort and that the art will be individual to you, so if you get a mixed CD or some sort of painting doodle, yours is the only one like it.
The only catch, of course: As with most memes, if you sign up, you have to put this in your own journal as well.

Well I wanted some free art so thems the breaks.
Also I make absolutly no promises on the quality of the art or that it may even fit a standard deffination of art, so yes a jar filled with urine and a single pickle does qualify.

Respond at your own risque.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Another week is almost finished, another week I haven't made signifigant progress on finishing my prelim exam. Its almost like I'm just avoiding it, whihc I kind of am. Its wacky because its just about done and only needs a few things added to it. Ugh
I found this today. For any teachers, math lovers, or someone who could use a laugh I highly recomend it.

Tonigh is two excting events. First off BZ is returning from seatle so there should be some good stories and maybe some fun coffee. It will also just be nice to see her again. She hasn't called much since she's been gone. Probably on some secret dates with Bill Gates, or one of the Exects from Wizards of the Coast, ooo those guys really burn my britches.

Oh and Two, its the kick off of the new campaign. I've been handing out cool treasure for anyone who writes a decent background for their new character, but I haven't gotten a flood of messages for some reason, oh well. I am very excited to be running a normal campaign again and a viking campaign at that. I really should be brushing up on my sweedish accent. Actually I really should be writing my prelim but doing the accent is more fun.

I've spent the last few days rearranging the house, which unfortunatly dosen't look all that much cleaner. We really need more storage space or beter use of what we have. The cat room is again a storage room, but it has opened up the dining room more.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm finally feeling fairly decent again. BZ is off for the week on a biz trip to Seatle, which I hope will be fun for her. As usual I hate being alone but its often good for the first few days. Its just nice to not have to worry about waking her up in the morining when my alarm goes off, ect.

So paypal came through. They are refunding the money I spent on that scam "airsoft" gun. It makes me happy to know that jackass is getting nothing out of the deal, but hassle. I really don't like disreputable ebayers. Its not too hard to simply set up auctions for the product you have and not make it sound much better than it really is.

I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be starting out a new campaign. Just being able to pull monsters out of the book, without having to heavily modify them is really nice. The only real thought is to make sure they aren't too strong and kill everyone in the party. Its always a big threat at level 1 and 2.

Besides writing up the n ew campaign, this week will be spent rewriting my prelim paper. My goal is to have it in by the end of the week. If I can keep from doing all the fun stuff I'd rather be doing it should be very possible to accomplish that.

The pets are still wacky. Kitty and doggie are getting along well. Infact doggie has been out of her cage for the last 2 weeks straight and so far I haven't found anything destroyed yet. She gets destructive when she is lonly.

Over all its just a happy day.