Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Revenge, they say is a dish best served cold, but I beg to differ. Revenge is a dish best served hot.
For example lets take me. I'm tired of being taken for granted. Tired of continuously cleaning up dog messes. Tired of continually cleaning up messes left by BZ. Cooking, cleaning, and doing what I can to keep this house running and all the while getting bitched at.
So what sort of revenge might fit these crimes.
One answer,
Thats right, today I'm going to blow off all my worldly duties and drive nearly an hour to the nearest IHOP. There I will stuff myself with Cinnamon french toast, Hot Cinnamon pancakes, all toped with chocolate and vanilla icing, with a side of bacon, a side of hash, and maybe some fruit for good measure.
See revenge is best served hot and let me tell you, it tastes good.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I got quite a bit of work done today. We added a wood backing to the wall to give it a more finished look. I also did a lot of sanding so it was another day of blowing my nose and having thick black saw dust come out, delightful. A least this is one step closer to done, just have to finish the sanding and then poly the floor and we'll have a bunch of extra living space.

Bit by bit I'm feeling the draw to begin writing again. I really want to put a number of new pages into Sara's book, but its not quite time yet. What it is time for is to finish off the adventure for this week. I think I'm going to try to really work up some flavor text. We've had way too many days of straight up combat. So I think I'm going to put some puzzles together, which the party is ever so fond of doing. I am really jonsing to play.

Monday, March 26, 2007

So I finally got a pic of the new cat up on my myspace page check it out if you're interested. So far he's going by the name Tidy Cat, but I'm pretty sure its just a temporary name until we can think of a better one.

He had a wicked run in with Razul yesterday which may have tramatized him some. She loves cats and tends to get a bit hyper so he got a bit freaked and has been hiding up stairs somewhere.

Today I redid much of my resume. Due to the volume (0) of calls comming in I figured it was time to try something new.

Here is how it looks now, in case you know of any place I'd fit in. Also those dolar signes were supposed to be bullet points.

To obtain a position in a laboratory setting that will utilize skills obtained in both academic and industrial (GMP) settings.

M.S. Microbiology (Pending), University of Connecticut, Farmington, Ct.
B.S. in Microbiology/Biotechnology minor in Chemistry, May 1998Quinnipiac University Hamden, CT

Growth of bacteria,
Mutant Isolation: amino acid dependent, temperature sensitive, antibiotic sensitive
Bacterial Transformation
Gene Knockout
PCR screen for mutants
Membrane lipid Isolation
Electron Microscopy

Molecular Biology:
ELISA: Molecular Devices Microplate Reader
Gel Electrophoresis: SDS-PAGE (Novex and Phast systems), IsoElectric Foucusing (Novex and Phast systems), Silver Staining, Coomassie Staining analyzed by Molecular Dynamics Personal Densitometer
Western Blotting (SDS-PAGE and IEF) Molecular Dynamics FluorImager 595
Peptide mapping
DNA isolation, Agarose gel electrophoresis, Southern Blotting.
Mass Spec (MALDI-TOF)
Peptide purification: Affinity column, FPLC
Protein Assays: BCA, Bio-Rad
Protein Modifications: RCM, cross-linking

HPLC: Reverse Phase and Gel permeation, Waters Alliance, Perkin Elmer series 200
UV Spectrophotometry: HP Chemstation

UConn Health Center, Farmington, Ct
Graduate Student (08/04-1/07) M.S. degree pending
§ Investigation of the role of phospholipids in the inner membrane of Bacillus subtilis spores.
§ Created mutant strains of knockouts of specific phospholipids.
§ Ran assays to test for growth, sporulation, resistance, and germination of mutant strains.
§ Preformed isolation and analysis of cell and spore membrane phospholipids.
§ Investigated the role of dipicolinic acids and small acid soluble proteins in resistance of spores of B. subtilis.
Quinnipiac College, Hamden, Connecticut
Research Assistant (09/97-04/98)
Investigated of the role of bacterial flagella in attachment to biofilm.

Pfizer, Inc., Groton, Connecticut
Assistant Scientist II (01/03-08/04)
11/02- 08/04 GMP Clinical Lot release for Monoclonal Antibody
§ Set up GMP laboratory for work on monoclonal Abs (selection, acquisition, and qualification of equipment IQ/OQ/PQ).
§ Routinely ran SDS-PAGE, IEF, UV, Peptide mapping, and SEC for lot release of mAbs. Developed methods for SDS-PAGE, IEF, and UV.
§ Developed, validated, and ran methods for BCA assay for Validation of cleaning methods for liquid dosing manufacture.
§ Issued Test note for release of products.
§ Collaborated with In Process Control group in Bioprocess Research and Development as technical expert to optimize methods.
§ Participated in experimental design.
§ Routinely analyzed data. Routinely prepared written summary of data. Maintained legal notebook.
Assistant Scientist I (08/00-12/02)
01/02-11-02 Small Molecule Antipsychotic drug
§ Developed validated GMP assay for Potency of Small Molecule Antipsychotic.
§ Ran Potency assay for samples (reference materials, test formulations, and stability studies),
§ Validated Purity Assay for Small Molecule Antipsychotic and its impurities/
§ Ran Purity assay for samples (reference materials, test formulations, and stability studies), Developed GPC assay for PLGA in Formulation.
010/00-01/02 Small Molecule Canine Anti-vomiting drug
§ Analyzed Small Molecule drug samples (stability studies, test formulations, reference materials) by Reverse Phase HPLC, Size Exclusion HPLC, and Foreign Matter examinations.
§ Maintained Veterinary Medicine web page.
§ Participated in data analysis.
§ Routinely prepared written summary of data and presented at team meetings. Maintained legal notebook.
08/00-10/00 Feline Erythropoetin Plasmid (DNA)
§ Analyzed Stability Samples Carried out experiments to develop agarose gel electrophoresis method for analysis of plasmid DNA.
§ Worked on development of method for southern blot for host cell DNA.

State University of New York, Stony Brook
Laboratory Assistant (02/00-07/00)
§ Created Custom Peptide sequences using Peptide synthesizer, (Applied Biosystems, 431A).
§ Purified peptides by reverse phase HPLC, and FPLC.
§ Tested purified peptides by Mass Spectroscopy. (MALDI-TOF) (Burker, Protein TOF).
§ Separated His-tagged proteins by nickel column.
§ Performed General Lab maintenance and preparation of common use solutions and lab supplies.

Pfizer, Inc., Groton, Connecticut,
Research Assistant (01/99-01/00) Assigned Employee via Manpower
§ Analyzed Protein Drug samples (reference materials, test formulations, stability samples, and lots for use in clinical trials) by SEHPLC, SDS-PAGE, and IEF.
§ Performed Method Validation for SDS-PAGE.
§ Performed method optimization and preliminary validation for IEF and Western Blotting.
§ Carried out experiments to develop ELISA method for protein drug, including antibody screening/selection, titration of IgG content, and antibody typing.
§ Created Pipetman Calibration Documentation Site utilized by the ARD bG-CSF Team. (Co-Created procedures used for routine maintenance and calibration.)
§ Assisted in developing procedures for calibration and validation of specialized equipment. Created and maintained ARD bG-CSF web page.
§ Participated in experimental design and data analysis.
§ Routinely prepared written summary of data. Maintained legal notebook.

Sterility Testing Seminar 6/5/01
Endotoxin Seminar 19/9/01
Bioburden/Antimicrobial effectiveness/PET Seminar 5/14/02


Expertise in Windows 95, NT, XP, & 2000: PerkinElmer Turbochrom, Waters MillenniumÔ and GPC
Software, ImageQuantÔ, Fragment Analysis, Soft Max PRO, Omiga Sequence Analysis Software HTML, Front Page, Adobe (Premier, PhotoShop, Acrobat, Illustrator, Go-Live), Dream weaver, Flash, Word (MS, Perfect), Excel, Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Outlook
Expertise in Mac: Claris Works , Fragment Analysis ,ImageQuantÔ, Fragment Analysis, Soft
Max PRO, Omiga Sequence Analysis Software HTML, Adobe (Premier, PhotoShop, Acrobat, Illustrator, Go-Live), Dream weaver, Flash, Word (MS, Perfect), Excel, Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Outlook


Pfizer Analytical R&G Impact Award 1st quarter 2001
Pfizer Sextant Award for 2001 Veterinary Medicine Full Development


"Development of Quantitative SDS-PAGE for Proteins", by N. Peckham, R. Kitchel, R. Bartkowski, D. Lee, and L. Margulis. Pfizer Animal Health New Technology Presentation (5/27/99) (Also presented to: Animal Health Management 7/14/99, and to Developmental Research Management 8/23/99)

"Quantitative SDS-PAGE for Proteins", by N. Peckham, R. Kitchel, R. Bartkowski, D. Lee, and L. Margulis. Pfizer Analytical Staff Meeting/ Educational Lunch (7/99) and Pfizer Animal Health Educational Lunch (8/17/99)

"An Udder Flow of Info: Creating the bG-CSF Web Page," by R. Kitchel and N. Peckham. Pfizer Developmental Research Year End Celebration (12/14/99)

"Patients Producing Their Own Drug: Pfizer's First Gene Therapy Product in Dev. Res.," by N. Peckham, R. Kitchel, R. Bartkowski, R. Adami, T. Darrington, and L. Margulis. Pfizer Developmental Research Year End Celebration (12/14/99)

"The Characterization of bG-CSF Aggregation by Size Exclusion Chromatography, SDS-PAGE, and Multiangle Laser Light Scattering," by Richard Bartkowski, Ryan Kitchel, Niomi Peckham, and Leonid Margulis. Analytical R&D Poster Session 2000 (2/23/00)

"Patients Producing Their Own Drug: Pfizer's First Gene Therapy Product in Dev. Res.," by N. Peckham, R. Kitchel, R. Bartkowski, R. Adami, T. Darrington, and L. Margulis. Analytical R&D Poster Session 2000 (2/23/00)

"Determining the Long-Term Stability of a Protein Pharmaceutical for Support of a Clinical Dosage Form Nomination," by N. Hay, L. Zhang, K. Williams, T.Darrington, R.Fedechko, C. Speaks, T. Gipp, R. Kitchel, N. Peckham, R. Bartkowski, L. Margulis, and K. Freeman. Analytical R&D Poster Session 2000 (2/23/00)

"Analytical Technology in Protein Purposeful Degradation Studies," by bG-CSF and cG-CSF AR&D Teams. Pharmaceutical Sciences Technology Showcase. (7/25/00)

"EPO-DNA Identity and Purity: State of the Art in Agarose Gel Electrophoresis," by N.R. Peckham, J.A. Lippke, J. Yu, R. Kitchel, L.A. Margulis. Presentation to Pharmaceutical Sciences Management. (8/4/00)

"The Characterization of Protein Aggregation Through Forced Degradation Studies", R. Bartkowski, R. Kitchel, N. Peckham, and L. Margulis. 2000 Colorado Protein Stability Conference, Breckenridge CO. (7/13-14/00)

"Development of an Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Separation Method for feline EPO DNA", N.R. Peckham, J.A. Lippke, R.T. Kitchel, L.A. Margulis. Pfizer Pharmaceutical Sciences Year End Celebration (12/12/00)

"Aggregation of Recombinant bovine Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor in Solution", March 2002 Journal of Protein Chemistry R. Bartkowski, R. Kitchel, N. Peckham, and L. Margulis

“Role of dipicolinic acid in resistance and stability of spores of Bacillus subtilis with or without DNA-protective alpha/beta-type small acid-soluble proteins.” J Bacteriol. 2006 Jun;188(11):3740-7. Setlow B, Atluri S, Kitchel R, Koziol-Dube K, Setlow P.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Today my parents came over and finished the ceiling off on the attic. Its really starting to come together and looking really cool. About all thats left is to sand and poly the floor.

Today we also got a new cat. We adopted him from Old Lyme shelter. He's a very pretty male black cat. He's not nearly as freaked out as griddles was when she first came to live with us but he also is still hiding under a table and we got him at about 11am and its just after 5 now. Griddles dosen't seem to thrilled with him as she keeps hissing and growling at him, thoght she was ok with him when he first got here. Razul can't wait to go see him but she gets hyper around new cats and I don't want to freak him too much. I already brought Keebler in to see him, but he was more interested in eating the cat food than checking out the new cat. Besides Griddles not liking him the most difficult part is going to be picking out a name for him. I don't want one of those common black cat names like midnight, shadow, or magic. And I don't go for pets with human names. So if anyone has any sugestions I'd love to hear them.
I thoguht about calling him Shar, D&D god of shadows and such, but that may be just a little too geeky and not orgional enough.

Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm trying to get back into the habbit of posting more often, unfortunatly with still being out of work there is often little to report.
I had some pretty wild erotic dreams this am.
In the first I was chasing these two people on my pocket bike, both were riding vespa type scooters and I was actually riding on the highway. I had gotten close enough to the girl to actually speak with her. I don;'t remember much about the conversation but it ended with her waying somehting like "You know whats best about riding these things? You can just pull off anywhere and they just hide away." And with that she pulls off onto a sleightly wooded center spot of the highway. I pull off after her, stash my bike, and follow her into the glen. She turns and smiles, pulling off her shirt to reveal her bare skin underneath. She's very thin and pale, but attractive. We begin to fool around then some cops or something show up. I'm not exactly sure what they were supposed to be. They weren't cops but acted like them. The cuff her and take her away.

The dream then shifts to more of a spy like dream. I join another guy to try to break in and get this girl out of the place hoilding her. We go in undercover as some sort of investigators. The next part of the dream was weird as I had to question some chick and not in any sort of fun manner eithor. It all gets pertty blurry from there.

We finish the questioning and are making progress about getting them to send up the girl I came in for. The day is over so I head back to my room (yes apparently they are providing me with a room). I get to my room and there is a lot of noise comming from inside, fun noises. I key in and people scatter to grab covers and save whatever dignaty they have left (which isn't much). Strangly enough apparently I was sharring a room with the guy andy who I used to go to school with and apparently he invited like six hot chicks over, only two of which are currently sharing his bed at the moment. I try to retain my virtue, but one of the girls, the one who is currently sleeping...laying in my bed gives me the old "I've never gotten off" speach, which is hard to refuse. I wake up a few moments later. Always seems to happen durring the good parts.

Had an annoying end of my night yesterday. Acfter watching the crap factory of Hoodwinked, BZ and I head up to bed beat tired, barly dragging our selves up there. Quick brush of the teeth and I go to climb into bed and its wet. I get back out and feel it with my hand. Its deffinatly wet, the blanket is wet, the sheet is wet, even the matress is wet and it has that faint smell of urine. I am pissed. Even more os that I don't know who did it. Keebler would be the most likly subject if he could get up onto the bed. Neithor Razul or Griddles has ever done anything like this before so I'm at a loss as to the culprit.

I called my friend Camile for the first time in months last night as well. She didn't seem all that excited to hear from me and just seemed pretty depressed in general. I'm going to have to make it a point to call her more often.

Thats about all the news of note.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Its been an entire month since I posted. For the most part there isn't much to tell.
The interview at Pfizer seemed to go well, but I haven't heard anything back from them in three weeks, when we were told we would be contacted in one. Also I emailed the girl who was in charge of the interview dealie and haven't gotten any responce from her. So it lookslike there will be a good chance I'll have to get some schmucky retail job to tide me over until I can find something better.

Work on the attic has gone well. We're in the final stages now and when its done it wil be actual livable space not just storage. Of cource its all moot if I have to get a job far away and have to move, but I'm not one to worry about such things. There is still a good chance we won't have to move.

Baked fruit chips from flat earth rock. They are better for you than potato chips and are a sweet tasty fruit flavored treat.
Not much else to report on. Will try to post again some time soon.