Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, August 30, 2004

Its been over a week since I last posted. I started grad school last week, its going well so far. Classes have been a bit of a joke. Only had oe so far and in it we went over some of the properties of water. this is some thing I did in high school chem.
My class its self is pretty cool. I've already grabed up a bunch of friends: John (MN guy), Andy (chicago guy), Jessie B (Big boobed straight up jersy gal), Jenn (NERO chick), Dave (My lab buddy) and many many more.

I have some very wild very vivid dreams the other morning.
I saw K again. She had come to see me about some thing, perhapse to try to get me back, which in itsself is odd. I was very angry with her in the dream and yeling at her about how it was too late.
Then I had a dream about Jessie B, which is also kind of odd because I don't feel a strng attraction to her. It was a very intimate sort of dream. Mostly kissing but very realistic.

Then I had a dream I was running DnD games and parts of my family were there as well as the normal crew. I think this is due to a bit of withdrawl from the game. I really need to play.

My first attempt at PCR seems to have been a flop, but I'm still rechecking the results. Will know more soon.
Thats about it for now.

Friday, August 20, 2004

well its been a few days since i was able to post. Leaving Pfizer was somewhat hard, but mostly in a mental sence, as security there just let me wonder out the door with all sorts of crap i had collected over the years. There are friends there I will miss fortunatly i will still be able to see many of them.
Yesterday was my first day of orientation. I think Grad school is going to work out well. There were some cool people there inculding some gal who is into Nero, a LARP. We had a long chat about the character she plays, it was pretty funny and sounded like a good time.
The big question now is can i get the advisor and rotation I want. I sure hope so.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

A new briliant discovery:
The only thing more useless than the HR web site is HR its self. They decided they no longer need a secratary over here. Instead there is a book of phone numbers. What is not listed in that book, who is the rep for what department. Apparently its some big secret to find out who your rep is. It took me 3 different phone calls to find mine, and of the two of them there are, one is out today and will be for a while. The other one is in a meeting most of the day. All I can say is if they make me come in monday to sign some papers I damn well better be getting paid for the whole week.

its count down time, 1 day 4 hours to go.
Damn HR still dosen't know I'm leaving and their website is about the most useless thing, if you want to know who your rep is or how to quit.
Well I decided to releive a lot of stress in my current life and skip my game tonight. Its really a sad day in the life of Ryan, when not playing D&D is less stressful than playing. for any who don't know me, I love this game about almost all else, those things being:
BZ, the doggie, and maybe paintball (family doasen't count you have to love them).

well today we're going out to lunch at ortega's, mexican resturant. Its a total dive and the food is only mildly better than taco bell, but it will be a good time.
Tomorow I'm being taken out by the work crew, so more fun, then its time to hand in my badge, corporate cards and everything else. this is kind of a sad time for me. There are a lot of peopel I'll miss. And a lot of people who I won't even say good by to, so I'll doso for a few of them here.
By little blond girl, I wish I knew your name
by Lynn, you are hot but should smile more
By Monica, you are also hot and smile a lot, but it would have been nice to actually be introduced to you at one time.
By bitchy girl with the glasses and pony tail, even without the glasses and pony tail, you're not that hot.

Well I'm being called off to lunch may write more later

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well Steve is fianlly back so it won't be another fun half day for me.
My old boss is back today too and aparently he wants to meet with me about some project details the new group keeps sending him. Man are they morons.
Last night was another hard core smack down in the world of FF11 fortunatly I didn't die this time. XP loss sucks

Tomorrow night is more of the horror game of D&D and no I don't mean the zombie jump out at you sort of horror. To me the best parts of D&D are the cool abilities you can get and the neat monsters you get to fight. The worst part is those first few levels where you have to go tooth and nail against some sucky goblins, ect. The worst case senerio for me is to be stuck on an island with sucky stuff I can't fight because there is to much of it and because my character is crap. The night would be much better spend staying home and leveling up my FF11 character, who rocks BTW. Maybe I'll feint illness.

Not too much else to report so far, but we'll see how the day progresses.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Pop Quiz Hot Shot!!!
Its your last week of work.
Your boss is on vacation!
The guy you're supposed to be training is on vacation!
The other guy you're supposed to be training is on vacation!
What do you do?

Well yesterday I went home around 1 and played final fantasy for 8 hours straight.
I'm greatly conciderng doing something similear today.
Lordy its borring here

My job today is to finish checking my notebooks to make sure all the pages are signed, then wheel them all down to records management. Thats it.
I may have to look up some info on FF11 and write a star trek post, but we'll see.

It was super foggy on the drive in. I could see maybe 2 car lengths ahead of me. It was pretty cool.
The wekend was fun, played a lot of FF11. did some shopping, I have a lot of birthdays to be buying for, speaking of which I'm on the 18th if any of you were wondering.

Not sure what else has been going on, but I will say 2 days of eating bratworst are starting to catch up with me. We'll have to wait and see how 3 comes out.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Nothing too exciting to report today. I had a dream this morning about feeding the dog and cat. It had something to do with them not wanting to eat their own food.
I would have tio rate this as one of Ryan's most suck ass dreams of all time.

I loaded up FF11 last night, which the loading and updating too from 4pm when I got home to 10:20pm when I went to bed. I actually had to finish loading for about another 40 minuites when I got up in the morning. SO far I haven't begun to play and the game has already pissed me off.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Tuesday morning was one of great vision.
I dreamed I travled to a small town out in Ontario to visit some friends of mine.
Strangly enough this town seemed to be a cross between a renfaire and a scifi convention. Most people were dressed in renasance style clothes, with a few in more comic or scifi dress. I found my friends Chris and Mitch pretty easily they were in this large crowd and were sort of slow dancing together to some faster paced string song. Chris was in a blue long velvet dress with a white undershirt with big shakesperian puffy sleeves Mitch was dressed in a full on romeo stage costume, complete with tights.
I say high to both of them and talk for a few minuites, when Penny appears. (Note I have never actually spoken to penny, but I have seen pictures of her) Instead of looking like she does on film, she is a semi dark skinned asian chick. (in reality she is caucasian in both skintone and race). She is dressed in some sort of spiked leather getup, lots of skin, semi small spikes, it runs in strips covering the important areas, but leaving ots of temptations out.
She asks me if I want to go see Jess. I agree and she takes me by the hand and leads me into this hugh stone castle/tower. It has large archways and many steeps leading up to the entrance. As we get close to the door the crowd starts to thin out. She takes me inside and we climb up, around and around, a massive staircase, until we reach a landing, where there is a door. She opens the door and goes in. I follow but stayed near the door as she moved to the center room and lay down in a thin pile of straw or hay.
"I thoguht we were going to see Jess?" I ask.
"She will be along soon," She replies "Until then," She gestures for me to come over ot her. With some slight hesitation I do. As I draw near she reaches up and grabs me and pulls me down into a long smooth kiss, wraping her legs around me. It feels like some sort of James bond set up.
The door opens. I look up to see Jess there, but looking not quite herself. She is taller and fairly lithe and clothed in a long dark dress. she smiles seductivly and aproaches. As I reach out to her,
The blasted alarm goes off, ruining the whole thing.

All I can say for people reading Ontario seems like a totally cool place and I recomend you take a trip there.