Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Comming in off a long weekend is always rough. This weekend like always barly felt like a weekend at all.
Friday's game went pretty well, but now my PCs seem to have gotten a proverbial "hard on" to lay in some payback to a party spy. So this means it will be another week or two before we get back on mission and there is a good chance it will be much longer than that.

Saturday started off nice and relaxed. DEcent nights sleep to a nice lazy breakfast. Kol spent the night after the game so as he wouldn't have to drive back to NYC at midnight. SO I took him over to his Ct home to grab his car. Mysteriously it wasn't there. He thinks for a bit and decideds its probably at the train station in westbrook. So me and BZ saddle up and drive him out there. We first stop at Old Saybrook station to see if it is there, which he has now decided it probably is. We circle the lot, no car. He runs in to ask them if its been towed or anything like that. 30 minuites later he comes back. No tow, they have records of that sort of thing so they know it wasn't ticketed or towed. We continue on to westbrook. Kol decides he has never been to the westbrook station. There are some calls made back and forth to his girlfriend, who drove back with him last time. Neithor can figure out where they left the car. She thinks it might be another station but he is pretty sure it isn't. There is an off chance it was back at his house and he just missed it, so we drive all the way back there and drop him off. No car.
We head home. About an hour or so later I get a call from Kol. He has found the car. Apparently it was droped off at an autorepair place and he forgot.
We have just enough time to have a short sit. Then its out to eat with BZ's sister. and that ends saturday.

Sunday it was another beautiful day so we kick it out with my sister and her man to get in a game of frizbee golf. 18 holes, a smidge of rain, lightning and thunder and we're back in the car heading home. We get pizza and some shoping in and hit the sack exhausted.

Monday was a picnic at my parents place. We purchases a lawn mower before that at Sears and get the run around of wether they have the model we purchased in stock or not. It turns out they do. Picnic was nice. We got in a game of starwars miniatures game, which is very cool. Get home and its another night of droping off to sleep, with little energy for much else.

I'm still beat today and this si going to be a short week. We have a Minnesota wedding to kick off to on friday so no work then. Of cource this is now crunch time where I need to rap everything up before my talk in two weeks. Oh well, better get started

Friday, May 27, 2005

Well I have survived another week. We have D&D tonight and I'm pretty excited as usual. I've been in a good mood for the last few days and the last couple of nights of adventure have been pretty rough on the players so I might go easy on them tonight. Of cource that usualy means some one is going to die.

Not too much else happening. I've got a blot to finish and then I will probably bail to try to clean the house up some before people come over.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Wow, didn't really post at all yesterday. Last few days have just been go go go in lab. This is the first real break I have had so far today.

Well I suceeded in not flaming the AR lady. Logic won the day. Unfortunatly I don't have the satisfaction of rubbing her nose in it, but thats how it goes.

I just blew a lot more money than I planned to on D&D scenery peices. In good news I should have the best visual set around. In bad news I'm a poor, now much poorer grad student.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Well here we are, 2am and I still have about 45 minutes to wait until the lysate is done. At least it isn't creepy in here, which is kind of odd since there is a mental hospitle connected to the normal hospital and occationally people there break out. There is even a "Code Zebra" listed on our emergrncy number list for escaped inmate. Oh also there is a prison hospital connected as well. I guess as long as they aren't undead I'll be ok. I probably shouldn't be wearing headphones then. Then undead always get you when you are wearing headphones, its almost as bad as skinny dipping. Which I hope everyone out there gets to try at least once. Its a chilly thrill :)

So in other news, I commented on some girl's story on AR and the chick totally flipped. I really hate it when people bable about constructive criticism. I'm sorry I don't have time to sugar coat every reply I make to a bad story. I just wish I could wave my judging ability in her face, but I won't. I am glad I had already sent in my review of her story before this exchange. Normally I'd just flame her and be done, but something is holding me back. Maybe its being up at 2 in the morning and knowing I'm not entirly in my right mind. It could be the 4 hours of diversity training I had to sit through this morning...actually yesterday morning. It could be the Styx in my ears...Domo Arigoto Mr. Roboto.........
I'm not a robot without emotion
Bite me Bitch!!!

I did write up an indepth analysis of her story, but we'll wait until tomorow to see if I still feel like sending it.

until then

Domo Arigoto Mr. Roboto
thank you very much Mr. Roboto
For doing the jobs no body wants to
thank you very much mr. Roboto
for doing all I need you to
I want to thank you
I want to thank you

Well diversity training was a full on waste of time, but at least it was sort of fun. Fun in that pointing and laughing sort of way. I have deffinatly been to way too many diversity training scessions. My group scored way better than the other group in the quiz and I didn't fall for eithor of the instructor's mind tricks. It was two of those, say a word five times, like roast.
Go on try it.
Then answer this question "what goes in a toaster?"
Did you think toast?
Wrong, ponder some more.

After that was a long day of lab work. My stupid cells decided to be ready for the DNA damaging reagent at about 4pm and the stupid media wasn't ready until 5pm. So now I have to take time points at 9pm and at 1am. Its going to be a fun filled night.

Which means I should spend my pissing and moaning time writing up the adventure for this week, Mwahahahahahahah!!!!!!

This morning I awoke in a cold sweat after battling the freaky little psycho undead bitch from "The Ring". What is it about the unbdead the freaks me out so much. Its only the really unkillable ones that do this to me. Zombies don't bug me at all, probably because all you need to take them down is a trusty shovel, bat, sword, gun, ect. Depending on the type of zombie: Lop off the head, arms legs, and you are done. Some only require a slight knock on the noggin. But she harpies that come out of the TV set and get your floor all wet, well thats just something different. First off you get the petrified scared thing, where you just sit there and let them eat your brain or whatever it is they do, we rarely get to see. Then there is the mopping. You just can't have a crime scene to clean up, but also a bunch of puddles of water on the floor and its probably evil water at that. You would need some sort of superhero Sponge man to take care of it. Oh and although I'm pretty sure no one checks, but the TV is probably broken too. When undead things come out of it and it leaks water, that can't be good for it. I'm a poor grad student. I can't afford a new TV:(

Well I'm off to 4 hours of diversity training because apparently I'm not diverse enough.

Maybe I'll slap some more up later.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Monday, painful monday, I am beyond tired and working well into the world of sick. This weekend was a litle too much go and not enough rest.
I came home friday and for the most part just passed out. Saturday I went out and got in a round of disk golf before heading over to Watch Hill where a friend of mine is buying a condo. We hit it up there day and night and I drank the better portion of a 40 of colt 45. I guess thats kind of an oxymoron. There is no better portion of colt 45.
I survived my drive home and passed out until sunday morning, where I got up and ready and hauled my ass and BZ up to boston to see my brother graduate. The ceremony was nice and short, concidering we missed more than half of it. After ward there was a picnic. Stayed there until 6 something then drove back to New London. And had a night of horrid gas and nausea (not from the gas).

This morning is more of the same, but I have cells to grow. Unlike me, cells can't take a day off :(

Friday, May 20, 2005

Well my presentation is over, but I still have about 4.5 hrs of fun watching to other poeple go.
This one went somewhat better than the last one. It was something like,
"Hi I'm ryan kitchel and I'll be talking about claspin, an adaptor protein of cell cycle check points."
And then I forgot everything else I was going to say.

I still got through it somehow and then got to sit and think of all the cleaver things I could have said about it but didn't. I hate these things.

45 min until my presentation. Many hours till my day is over.
This will end my cell bio class and with some major luck all the classes I will be taking.
I hate these things.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Isn't life grand. It always seems to go this way.
You start the day out down and then you get kicked. So you fall to the floor. Then they stomp on you. Now you are dust. Dust which gets swept up and tossed in the trash. The trash getts jossled and you fall to the bottom of it. Mixed in with slimy egg goo and coffee grounds and anything else so vile the rest of the trash can't contain it.

Maybe my car will be stolen by the time I get out of here. Or some ex can call me up and tell me how much better her new lover is. Or I could get diagnosed with testicular cancer.

I've come to hate my life.

Tired, very, very Tired.
What do you do when you wake up and realize the world is not what you had thought or hoped. When your dreams are nothig more than spilled milk the cat is licking up.
I wonder some days.
[Thoughts deleted]

Had to cut all that short, was looking too much like one of "those" letters.
I may be lost, miserable, and depressed, but I'm not one to jump.

I came to grad school because I was bored with what my life had become. Now that I'm here I find I'm just as bored, except I don't get paid as much.
Its probably just as well that I left. I can almost garuntee that I would have been included in the first or so rounds of cuts.
I'm just not sure what to do with my life.
For the first time in ages I feel like I don't have a path. I just seem to be wondering around in circles.

The most difficult thing in my life is dealing with Apathy. Everything would be a breeze if I was even the least bit interested.

Bored beyond beleif.
Not sure what else to add.
REvenge of the Sith came out at midnight last night. I was not there to see it. I should go today, but I have a feeling it isn't going to happen.

Right now I seem to be comprised of Apathy and Depression. I can only hope my next rotation will be more exciting.
Maybe I should just start looking for jobs.....

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Its wensday. I didn't have much to say yesterday as the last two days seem to be cool down rest time. I haven't had much ambition to do too much of anything.
This site has some really cool buildings I will some day get or make for D&D games. I like playing in actual structures instead of just drawn maps all the time.

Something cool happened yesterday. I was chosen to be a judge for one of the writing sites I frequent. I was quite psyched and think I did a decent fair job grading the stories I read. Well we will see if there is an outburst from the public when they announce the winner. There is a second judge so I could always blame him if it looks bad:)

Not too much going on today. Working on my presentation for friday. Finished a blot. Nothing too exciting.

Revenge of the Sith comes out tonight at midnight. By all rights I should be there, but I really doubt I can find anyone to go with and I'm not one to adventure out alone.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Well its done. I succeeded in not throwing up or having a total panic attack. As for the presentation its self, lets see....
I probably rolled an 11 or 12 on my inteligance check, and a 4 or 5 on my perform check.
In real terms, I answered questions but not as well as I could have. My notes got lost in powerpoint so I had to just guess at some of the techniques which didn't go all so great.
My performance over all?
Well people didn't throw rotton fruit and boo and hiss, but maybe they just didn't come prepared.
A few of them did fall asleep and I stuttered and stumbled through most of it in a not so loud voice. Ugh:(

But its done and the 20ish minuite talking to I got afterward is also done. Now I just have to prep for friday, which I will, for real this time.

As to the weekend.
Friday's game went really well. We were playing until midnight, but I wanted to finish this part of the adventure. Everyone seemed to like the puzzles and traps I came up with, no one died, and only one preson lost their equipment, but the things they picked up along the way were more than worth it. I really need to stop rolling random treasure.

Sat started out with a nice big breakfast. Kyle, one of the players spent the night because he drove down from NYC to play, what a trooper. So we had a good chat in the AM about the nature of socifty and the balance of conflict and cooperation. He took off about 1ish. BZ got up about an hour after that. She had gone back to bed after breakfast.

We went out and did our weekly shopping, then went out to marguritas with her friend Jill. It was a fun night over all and had the potential to work its self into an adventurous night, but I for one was having words with Mr. Montazuma after an Enchilate from hell.
We ended up watching Dodgeball instead. Man it just gets funnier and funnier. I'm thinking White Goodman would make an excelent low level villian.

Sunday I got up fairly early and tried to work on my presentation. In fact I spent most of the day trying to do that and not getting too far. We did go out and pick up a DVD-burner because our player upstairs sucks and the replacements in that price ranger all seemed crappy as well.
Got back from that, ordered pizza, and stayed up until 11:30ish working on figures and models for the paper.

Woke up early today and came in to finish working on it. See above for how it went. Now I'm about ready for a drive home and some sleep.

30 minutes and counting until my journal club presentation. I feel like I want to barf and then go back to bed.
I really hate presenting.
My slide show is done for the most part. There are a lot of things I wish I had looked into more and I know there will be questions I can't answer.
Its days like this that I really wonder what would happen if I just went out to me car and never came back.

I'll recap the weekend when its all over.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Woo hoo, its friday again and better yet game night. Tonight is a travesty of tricks, traps, treasures, and puzzles (couldn't think of a T word for it). It should be a god game and a challenge to everyone.

My presentation is still in the planning phase and I have 3 days till its go time. Lord I love to procrastinate.

Last night was the other D&D game. Its slowly becoming less and less fun. From 7:30 to 10:30 we had 4 encounters, thats about 1 per 45 min if anyone is counting. The dice were not with me as my new brass set rolled 5% or less three times failing spells. I may have to say I'll take 95-100 for my failure...which isn't a bad idea.

Mostly it was just kind of dull. The DM is new and still trying to work out the challenge rattings correctly, which means most things are too easy or to hard. Most of them are just the hack and slash sort though and we really don't have a good front line fighter, hell as a mage I have better hit points and AC than our fighter and our monk. Which is just wrong.

Also one of the players really annoys me. Pretty much anyone who says they just want to play the game and not worry about all the books and stuff really needs to be slapped. All the different books are what you use to make sure your character isn't some cookie cutter version of the core classes. Also if anything you do need to actually read the player's handbook. Otherwise you won't know what feats to take, what spells to take, what skills are important to you, ect.
Maybe I am a bit of a power gamer. I just don't want to play a sucky character. I read up on pretty much everything, know most feats, spells, skills, classes and resteige classes for the most part by heart. Ugh.....

Also it would be nice if she had a better sence of hummor. As has been for the last three or four years now, some one tells a joke or pun or something like that, which relates to her character, and now we get to hear it every 5 minuites.

Heh, I shot her with a lighting bolt last night. She wasn't too happy about that. It would be fair payback to killer her char off, concidering she has killed two of mine so far. As fun as that would be, She would probably cry about it and I'd have to hear about how I don't like her, through sobs, again. It just wouldn't be worth it.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Today is becoming one heck of a wacky day. I'm just dancing and singing all over, not even sure why. Last night as always was a bust as far as working on my presentation goes, but I still have a few days left, so I'm not overly worried yet....yet.

Tonight is D&D with the old crew. I like my character, but I'm pretty sure he isn't long for this world. I have some ideas for a new one, but we'll see where they go.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This will be short.
I'm working on my second day of headache and its not getting much better. Maybe I just need some caffiene or something, who knows.

Went home last night, which was nice but I didn't get anywork done on my journal club presentation, not that I really exected to. In a fit of crazyness I choped off a lot of my hair. It needed to be done. My "do" wasn't doing, at leats not what it was suposed to. So I'm back ot looking somewhat presentable, at least where I can see it. The back is always a pain to do.
So far no one has mentioned it today. Maybe people are just used to my look changing every few weeks.

My blot yesterday came out over done, like a big black square. So now I need to find some illustrious IP expert here to talk to. Not even sure who else is running IPs except the girl in the next lab over and her's aren't working.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Toady started fairly well....well actually fairly normal. I've currently got STP stuck in my head, but I can't remember the name of the song and for some reason its not in my ipod. Interesting question why aren't any of my popular disks in my pod. I have a feeling my siblings ravaged my music collection before I moved out and now I only have the weird disks left.

Last night I watched blade trinity, the extended version. It was about what I expected. If you have seen blade 1 or blade 2, you have seen blade trinity. The blade series is one series that dosen't really grow at all. Each film is exactly the same. Blade is a bad ass vampire hunter. He kicks some but, then the vamps strike back. Blade's budy whistler gets killed. Then blade invades the vamp lair where the big baddie is. They fight blade wins. Roll credits.
So if you want to see plotless ass kicking then I redomend blade trinity.

Some films that I saw over the weekend which weren't commented on yesterday due to space.

"National treasure": This is truly a poor man's "romancing the stone", which is a poor man's "Indiana Jones". There were some interesting ideas in this film and the plot was fun, but the writing was sub standard. The one liners weren't what they could be and the love arc just seemed to be tossed in as an after thought, meaning there was no real forshadowing to it, unless you count there is a male and female lead as foreshadowing. Beyone that the film just ran too long. It was over two hours. A lot of the scenes seemed to drag on and just go nowhere.
I will say this, the film did give me an idea to run a campaign of treasure hunters, which if done right would be a lot of fun. That said I can't in good concusious recomend this film. If it had been about an hour shorter it would have been better.

"Down with Love": I was weary about this film at first. An all star cast in some semi unknown romantic comedy is often a sign of disaster. Instead it was a masterpeice. The plot its self is fairly simple, but well worked through. The dialogue is nothing short of spectatular, but would be nothing without the timing and blocking of the characters. The costumes and set are the vibrant designs of a broadway show, the only thing missing would be a music number. So in short, smart, funny, fun, and with a twist at the end no one could see comming. I highly recomend. I laughed through most of it.

Thats it for today, now back to work.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Well it turned out to be one monster of a weekend.
I played hookie on friday to finish my paper which got done and was sent in.
Then BZ and I were off to join her work pals for an exotic night of strip club action. I've never ben to one before so it was quite an event.
Before the club we went to a japanese chop house sort of resturant up in providence.
I'm going to make this short because I want to get on to the good stuff.
The pre entre food was pure crap. Some bland onion mushroom soup and iceburg leatuce salade with some crappy ginger dressing one it.
Then we got to the entrae. It was neat to see the guy cooking in front of us and he put on a decent show. We both had ordered filet minion and both medium rare. What we got was medium well sirloin. Over cooked choped up into little bits and pretty crappy flavor.
Then it comes time for the bill and at our table of 6 two people decide they can cheap out and not put in their share so BZ who was puttng in for both of us had to pay extra, which ended up being about $102. So a lot of money for shitty food (applebee's has better steak) and a crappy show.
Well neithor of us were all that excited to pay women to take their clothes off after that so we bailed and I am still a strip club virgin.
Saturday was better. Got up early and had an excelent big breakfast which BZ and I get to do every now and then, french toast and hash, bagles and cinimon buns, tasty tasty.
After that it was off to the dentist for me, which took a long time.
Then I drove up to bristol to do a little gaming. The first game was some sort of rescue the princess game which kind of blew. The second game was sort of a rifts version of magic, which was very cool.
I lost both games :(
After gaming, me and Ian drove into hartford. Since he works in the marketing department for Subway (yes he has met Jared) and they do a lot of add stuff with the WWE, he had scored two free tickets to smack down.
Now this was a major event. I'm not a big wrestling fan, but for anyone who hasn't gone I would sugets going just once. First off the people there are just insane. Its like jerry springer guests meet blue collar TV. Just totally wild.
Then the show stats. Our seats were right along the isle where all the wrestlers enter fromand almost on direct level with the ring so we could see everything. The announcer comes out and blabbers on for a bit, bringing some guy who had aparently hurt on of the wrestlers who was supposed to be there tonight but couldn't due to his "injuries". More talking. Then as pay back they bring out the "big show" to slap this guy around a bit. Big show is the largest human I have ever seen. The guy must have been over 7 foot tall and between 500-600lbs. He was just a giant. They trade some slaps and some slams then little guy runs off.

The first real match is between two light weight guys so it was all high flying good athletics and cool to watch. It was some "Native american" guy and some guy with a long red beard.

There were a couple of more matches, then they have a tag team match. Now the great thing about this match wasn't so much the wrestling, but the manager for one of the teams. The chick was in a short skirt and by short I mean he ass was peaking outwhen she moved. She also had some monster fake boobies (for her frame), which were displayed in her top. I think there was wrestling durring this match but I couldn't say for certain.

After that fight was over, there was a "best body" Diva contest. So hot chicks parading around in bikinis, one of which did some flips over the ropes, which was cool.
Then there was the big finally match with the champ, who took on two guys in a handycap match, which ended up being four guys because the bad guys cheat. Of cource he beat them all.

It was a cool night.

Sunday was nice and relaxing. Did some shopping, but didn't spend too much.

Today I'm back at work and full of apathy. Running another western so we'll see how it goes.

Friday, May 06, 2005

As has come to be normal, I have a paper due today and am therefore staying home playing hookie and doing it.
This weekend does look to be one of adventure full of exciting places to go and things to do. I won't say what as when I do I usually end up doing nothing so we'll see what goes on and let y'all know monday.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Yesterday ended up ok. I met with a professer and it looks like I have a good lead on my next rotation. Finished up my blot, which worked, but is looking dirty so I have to try to clean it up a bit.
Went home a bit early and hung with BZ who had just gotten back from boston. We ordered out some dominos and watched a few films. So without further adieu....

Movie review:

Today we're looking at 2 films: Catwoman, and the Village

Preview: one of these films blew big time!!!

Catwoman was one of the worst rated films of 2004, right up there with electra. As expected from a comic book movie (not done by brian singer or sam rami) the writing was kitchy and full of cheeze. The plot, what little plot existed, was bland and uninspired. The drecting was just horride, to many close ups, shakey cameras, and just bad angles, which was mostly done to cover up the bad CGI they did. That said the film was actually pretty good. Hallie Barry was awesome. Her cat mannerism imitations were just hysterical and unlike Electra she looked totally hot in the Catwoman outfit. Yeah her lines were cheezy of over done, but thats how comic movies should be. The fight scenes were well done and well coegraphed. Over all it was a fun movie.

The Village was one of the better rated films of '04. I should have known just from that or the fact that its always refered to as "M. Night Shymalon's The Village" that it needed help. I will say this the film left me in suspence and by suspence I mean "The condition of being physically suspended. " As in I had to suspend higher brain functions to make it through this peice of crap on disk.
I can find nothing redeaming about this peice. The story is slow and overly drawn out, much like the recitation of the weak dialogue. "Well...................That is....................if we want to............."
Those pauses often went on for 30 seconds or more.
The characters are weak and unbeleivable, much like the plot (if you can call it that).
What ever skills Shymalon had as a writer director, have obviously been used up. For what should have been a freightening tale of monsters in the night ended up being slow borring and cheezy. The monsters are stupid looking, slow, and clumsy and if you are ever forced to watch this crapterpeice you'll find out why.
Also whats sort of crappy gene pool do these people come from. In a tiny town of maybe 20 ish people, there is a blind girl and a retarded guy. Thats just bad breeding stock.

Then we have the big suprise ending that old M. Night has become trademarked for, which magically changes our prespective of how everything is in the film. Of cource he didn't do nearly as good a job of hiding it as in the 6th sence. BZ mentioned at the very beginning of the film how odd it is that they have all the glass they do for a colonial american town. Also the vinyl siding on the houses was a give away.

I think this film was supposed to have some sort of message to it about the nature of man kind or something like that. If so it failed miserable. The only message I got is that we can't trust retards. Oh yes, and if you dump a blind girl in the woods, she can find her way through them and back to where she came from. Blind girls can even run in the woods without tripping on branches and other crap like that. Also magic rocks work and its a bad idea to dump them out.

So if you're looking to waste 108 minuites of your live counting ceiling tiles or the number of times people blink, I suggest The Village.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

doing somewhat better today. The only thing that has gone wrong so far is I left my lunch on the counter at the appartment, which sucks. The appt is close but not close enough to make it there and back and still have time to eat.

I started reading revenge of the sith. I've decided with the third film to just read the book to find out what happens beforehand. With the first film I tried to avoid any info about it. With the second I watched adds and read rummors. Now I'm just going to read the whole thing. So far its pretty good.

BZ gets home tonight from her training trip to boston so I think I'm going to bug out early.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Well the day goes on.
In bad news, I broke the sink in the lab. I put dry ice in it and apparently the shitty slate they use here can't stand the temp change and cracked in the cold.
Also I'm stuck here tonight until about 7:30 and my head is aching.
I just hope this blot works.

In good news, When I went into the common room to pick up some packages, that were delivered for the lab, I caught the cute girl ,with the superb ass, who works next door, checking out my butt while I was bending over. Always quality.

Somehow I don't think the good and bad even out.

Its been a fun day so far (note sarcasm).
I've gotten my IP running which is good. Still haven't sent out email to new possible PIs yet, which I need to do. It just bothers me because it feels like I'm setteling, like I'm just going to take whatever comes. It dosen't matter what I work on anymore. Dosen't matter who I work with. I hate being like that. My top choices are all used up or filled up and whats left is just so mediocre. Ugh...

Days like today make me wonder, wonder how much longer I will really be here. I woke up form a long night of dreams heavily disoriented. To me, my dreaming world is almost as real as the "real world" I wake up not knowing where I am, why I am here, what I am supposed to do.
When I dream I can fly, I'm an ass kicking secret agent or revolutionary. I go on adventures the world has never and will never see.
When I'm awake I'm in a lonely appartment, waiting to go to borring school, and study the ins and outs of B.S. science.

I just know some day I won't wake up. Or I will wake up and the world will be gone.
At least I slept enough to be functional today.

Will attempt to begin story today, in between emailing people to find a new lab and working on my final for critical analysis. Fun fun.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Its monday again. I barly made it in this morning. As it turns out I ended up driving back and forth to boston over the weekend to see my sister's graduation and I'm still beat. I think I spent most of the weekend in a caffeine/sugar frenzy trying not to fall asleep in events or on the road.

Last night was full of bad dreams as well. My out of it brain can't really recall much about them but they were not well.

Thats about it for now, more to follow when I wake up.