Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, September 29, 2006

Its been a few days since I've posted so I thought I'd put something up.
I'm still in the ills of sickness. The majority of the illness is gone, but its now something more sinus based and a lot of icky snot. But I'm plugging away at work and thinking o going to the doc's for some antibiotics.

I had a crazy dream this morning about being in the vietnam war. It wasn't like the vietnam war exactly thought. The sides were the same, but they were being faught like the old revolutionary wars, with both sides lined up and marching at each other. There was a full cast of characters in this dream like full metal jacket or something. The only one I really remember is a young blond boy who looked like the kid in Rushmore, not the main character but his friend. The dream ended with each of the characters dying. It was weird. We were all lined up on one side and the viet cong on the other and then began to advance. We get off one round then have to reload, but instead we attack with bayonetts. The enemy has knives and swords. Blond boy stabs the person in in front of him and it al seems to be going well. I have this thought in my head that as long as we all stay focused it will be ok. Blondie glances to the side and sees that the enemy facing the soldier next to him is a woman and he smiles at her. As he looks back to his opponant he realizes that his stab didn't kill them and the enemy slashes him accross the throat. Its not a killing blow, but the enemy moves past him as blondie stands there gasping for breath. The girl he was looking at appears in front of him. She smiles and draws a sword and takes his head off.

Thats when I woke up. It was very bizarr and very real.

In better news we found and booked a place for the wedding. Its going to be october 27th 2007 at the crocker house in new london. There are some pictures of it on the web. Its really nice and will allow us to choose all the individual stuff ourselves. Its much closer than the farm. It also has a more regal feel to it which I think will work better for the star wars theme.

Thats all the big news.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I've been down and sick for the last 5ish days. What started with a mild sore throat quickly became a full on head cold to a chest cold, to now a phlemy cough. Yeah I knopw your glad I gave a description. In this time off from life I have been sorely unproductive and have only achieved catching up on the latest season of smallville, which is all but fantastic. Today I finally made it into work and have been dragging along, doing what I can to remained focused and not passed out on my desk.

We saw the first of our picks for wedding locations last night. It was ok, but a long drive.more details to come when I can properly formulate them.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What a wacky week this is turning out to be.
So its Tuesday night and me and BZ are having our daily ritual of dinner and the Colbert Report (the "t"s are silent) when all of a sudden the dog jumps off the couch and starts barking. This actually isn't all that unusual she will usually bark if she hears people outside, then quiets back down when they leave.
So she's barking and barking and this is going on a lot longer than it usually does so I get up to go see what the problem is. She's standing at the kitchen door yapping up a storm. Its dark outside and raining, but from what light spills out from the kitchen windows I can see someone in a white shirt knocking on my renter's door. Ok, not too big a deal. He often has these sort of white trash drunken hooker types come by. Now this isn't something I approve of, but I tend to follow the libertarian stand point of don't bother me and I won't bother you. The dog will stop when she goes in or leaves. I return to the "Repor".
A few minutes go by and the dog is still barking now interspaced between the barks are pounds on the door and the drunken howling of "Bill". Now you've begun to bother me.
I go to the side window and look out and note that Bill's car isn't here.
I go back to the kitchen. She is now kicking the door and screaming out "Bill, open up".
"He's not here lady!" I yell back.
She seems to take the hint and leaves the pourch.
I return to the "Repor".
Then from the side window we hear "Bill!" and its moving around the house to the front porch. Now this is really pissing me off.
The yelling travels away again, but returns at the side porch accompagnied by the kicking of the door.
This time I open the kitchen door and flip on the lights.
"Look lady he's not here."
"What?" There is a horrible wiskey soaked moose caught in the headlights.
"He's not here. Do you see his car?" I point out to the space he normally parks in. She stares blankly.
"Where's Bill?"
"Not here."
"Well he's got my keys!"
"Not my problem."
"Well then you have to give me a ride home."

What the hell is this bitch's problem.
"I'm not giving you a ride home and if you don't get out of here I'm going to call the cops." I tell her.
"Look I'm sorry. I just.." She starts to say, but as she does this she's trying to reach her hand in the door, which I close in her face. The last thing I need is some drunken whore in the house. Please not I didn't hit her with the door nor did I slam her hand in it or anything.
"Ouch, you fucking asshole." She starts to pound on my door.
"Thats it, I'm calling the cops." I grab the phone, but apparently the threat was enough and she gets off the porch. The last I see of her she's out at the road wondering drunkly up it trying to thumb for a ride.

I may have to start placing the swords closer to the door.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I am in some sorry sad shape. I felt the beginnings of a cold comming on a few days ago and now I am almost in the mix with it. The weekend was a nice sort of relaxing, but I didn't get a single thing done that I was going to.

Saturday was a waste. I tried to do some writing but just couldn't find the spirit. Then me and BZ went up to middle town to meet up with an old college friend of mine. It was good to see her again if a little awkard. From there we went home grabbing some pizza and 6 flicks from the blockbuster used pile. We watch "Date Movie", "The Longest Yard", and "Lone Hero" All of them were surprisingly good. Film fest ends after midnight, close to 2 am and I drag myself up to bed.

Sunday started off with a bang. I took doggie out for her morning walk and as we go around the house I space for a sec because its Sunday and really early and damnit I don't have to think yet. I see the dog lying down doing the roll back and forth. I yell at her and we coutinue around the house for some peeing and pooing. We get back inside. I punch up the computer to do some writing and then I catch a wiff. I don';t know what the hell it is, but its comming form the dog. The smell was like skunk mixed with shit mixed with dead thing, like a skunk died shitting himself at the corner of my yard and became a little wet spot in the grass.

I throw the dog in her crate and try to write, but the smell is just too bad. So up she goes for a bath. She just had one the night before so this is just lovely. She gets washed up and now come sthe hunt for the smell. I had lost track of her once we came back in so I check the normal spots. The bed we sleep in....yup there is the smell penetraiting the top blanket and maybe the comforter. Next there is her room....nope its clean.
I sniff around and declair it to be not to big of a loss, just our bed before she got caught. I go to put her collar back on and we have our second casulty of the day. It reeks.
Old collar gets tossed, new horrible orange free collar goes on.

BZ's sister arrives about 20 minutes later and we all go out to clinton for some outlet shopping. All day I smel the damn dog smell on my hands and it seems like nothing will take it off or cover it up, so gross. I get some boxers, salsa, and gummy candy. Yeah I know no real rhyme or reason to it all. We get some applebys for diner and head home. Sis leaves for mass and I pass out on the couch in the middle of Mansquito, another horrible scifi channel film.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Haven't had much chance to post these last few days, but likewise I don't have too much to tell.

I've been working on a story with some of my old friends from Its really good to hear from them and that they are doing well.
I've got most of a script for Gamers Anonymous part 2 done, but am a bit stuck on the ending.

Its been a crazy Ebay buying week. I've spent well over 1K bucks on costumes and accessories, but in good news BZ and I now have most of the star wars costumes for the wedding, at leats the wedding party. Now we just need to do all that normal wedding stuff, a place to have it, invitations, food, drinks, ect. Oh and to ask the people we want to be in the wedding party.

Big foot movie is still mulling around in my head. I want to try to finish up a few of the projects I'm working on before I start writing it.

Oh that Cat is getting even wackier. She feels the need to follow me and BZ around the house and meow for petting, but then runs away whe you go to pet her. I think she likes the chase game she plays with doggie all too well. Doggie has perked up back to her hapy self now that she has a new buddy.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well I can't let the saddness of the last post dictate this blog, so here goes.

Bob's rocks!!!!

This weekend we got 2 end tables and a nice coffee table for only 69$. We finished most of the front pourch, its repainted, the new stairs are up and the trim work is almost done.
We made the big trip to the dump too, finally trashing the stove which was out in front of the house. We also gave away the crappy couches I had gotten from my grandparents. So now our living room is actually livable:) and dosen't resemble a crappy college dorm room.

I put the finishing touches on the DnD film and have finished the stuff needed to send it in to wizards. It has been accepted so we are in the contest!!!!
Unfortunatly in doing so I had to sign over all of the rights to the film, which blows. I don't think the waiver said anything about sequals, but the character images might be theirs now.
This double sucks as I was going to do 2 sequals to it and possibly sell them at cons. Well I'll go and make them anyway and if we don't win I'll push ahead that plan.

Griddles the wacky cat is finaly setteling in or at least feeling at home. She follows me and BZ around the house now, which is cute, but she tends to get kind of wacky. I think she might be one of those cats who sees ghosts and stuff. As she will enter a room, then just go tearing around it. She also does this weird little jump. She and the dog do seem to be getting along well except when they are competing for our affection. Then the dog gets a bit pokie and sends the cat away.

I probably should have posted yesterday, but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I ept turning on Howard Stern and listening to the show he did on 9-11-01 and it really tears me up inside.
Its really depressing that here we are 5 years later and nothing is any better.
The man who orchestraited the attacks on this country is still walking around free and certain analysists think he may have even come out of hiding and is just living the life of luxury in some compound somewhere.
This administraition isn't the least bit interested in catching him.

Want to see some painful math?

In the combined terror attacks on 9-11-01 a total of 3030 people died.

In this pointless war in Iraq, so far 2669 americans have died. There is estimated between 41 and 46 thousand dead civilians in the Iraq war. So who is the real threat to this country, to the world?

Since 9-11-01 Our American freedoms, rights, liberties have been trampled. Almost as many Americans have been killed in a war without just cause as were killed by terrorists, who have no link to this war. The man responsible for the terrorist attacks is probably sipping pina coladias on a beach some where. The country who funded him and housed his forces is once again under the control of the Taliban.

Its kind of sad, looking through the terrorist attacks made on the US eithor here or on foreign soil, the majority of them since 1982 were conducted by or connected to eithor by Hezbolah or by Al Queda. This administraition seems to have little to no interest in trying to do anything about eithor one of them.

I just don't know what more to do or say about the whole thing.

Friday, September 08, 2006

It just gets better and better. Some day I'll be able to make videos this bad.

Its always nice to see science being put to good use. Or its just nice to know that any nut job can just order this stuff.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Its been a few days since I've posted. Its probably because my nights have been going something like this:
10:00pm go to bed/ watch 1 eppisode of futurama to wind down.
10:30pm fall asleep
10:55pm woken up when BZ goes down stairs to read
11:10 fall back asleep
11:40 woken up as cat walks across back
11:50 fall back asleep
11:59 woken up as dog pokes cat
12:10 fall back asleep
12:30 woken up as BZ comes back to bed
1:00 fall back asleep takes a while because room reeks of cig smoke
1:45 woken up as cat and dog play on bed
2:00 fall back asleep
2:30 woken up by pets again, more cat walking on back. Kick pets out of bed room
2:50 fall back asleep
3:25 door wasn't closed tight enough cat is back wake up again.
3:45 BZ kicks pets out and close door hard
4:30 dog is wining or cat meowing wake up agian
4:40 fall back asleep
4:50 alarm goes off, try to ignore it for a few moments.
5:10 get up for school.

So needless to say I've been beat tired.

At least its nice to know the world hasn't gone completly mad in my days of exhaustion.
No....wait a moment......

A list of items which are allowed to be taken on planes.
Note last item on number 4.
Apparently we're willing to risk terrorist attacks so that some puddle skipper playboy can get his groove on 20K above sea level.
I wonder what their stance is on other brands of personal lubricants. How about flavored massage oils? And whats with the ban on liquid spermicides?
Has the war on terror and the war on reproductive rights finally merged?

I do strongly suggest to anyone about to take a plane trip in the near future to take full advantage of your rights. Airlines are not only permitting sex lube on planes, but it seems to me that are all but encouraging you to join the mile high club. "So come pork the friendly skies."
Now if only we'd get back to hiring hot flight attendants.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The long weekend was good and well needed, though I'm still beat today.
Friday night we went to T&J's to play in Tempest's new ShadowRun game. It was a blast, although we may have to leave doggie home next time as she seemed to feel the need to continuously bark at their dog. Oh then their dog got sprayed by a skunk when it went out in the yard so there was all sorts of doggie fun game delays. Eithor way I had a great time and wish we were on for more than once a month.

Saturday me and BZ went down to north haven, where the new haven shelter was doing a pet adoption day. Aparently they rescued 94 cats from one house, but were down to 20 or so. Unlike previous attempts we went in with 80$ and a statement of I own a house and walked out with a cat, previously #99 and currently Griddles. She is a tiny little orange kitty. It was kind of tough finding a "good" cat as BZ didn't want any which looked like cats she has had before. She had tried a few local shelters first, but was getting the biz from them: please fill out this form with all your personal info and total pet history, plus numbers for your current vet and some other character whitnesses, oh and if there is a good time we can call and speak to your current pets to make sure there isn't anything fishy about the application we'd like to do that too. We have some pet psychics on hand to translate for them. Total time to adoption is between 3-6 weeks.
That is unless you want to adopt 2-7 cats, in which case you can probably have them today.

The rest of the weekend was spent trying to get griddles adjusted to us, the house, and the dog. We have a chase or two around the house, but for the most part things are going ok. Griddles started off as a "hide away" cat. We let her out of the cat carrier and ahd darts under the TV. We fish her out of there and its under the sofa next. Finally we had to seal her off in the spare room after blocking up the closet doors and slowly she would stop hiding right away and would come to us for some petting. Later we did some restricted doggie intros and thought she isn't exactly thrilled about them I think she is settling down and in.

BZ has been much happier since we got the cat, which is good.

Sat night we went to my parent's place for joint birthday for BZ and my sister. Food was good and became the continuation of the F-weight watchers weekend. I think I may have gained back any weight I lost.
Sunday and monday were spent loafing, which was good and needed.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy Belated birthday to BZ. I was going to post up a happy birthday to her yesterday, but I hardly had a moment to sit and type. It was a long day of fury and rage. Apparently Norton decided to send out an update for their virus program or internet secirities or something, which needs to wark you about every 30 seconds that your virus deffinations are expired. This forces the comsumer to eithor delete norton entirly (bad idea if you own a PC) or to buy the new version of norton. After much time trying to shut off the warning pop up window and getting furious at it, I broke down and updated norton.
The whole thing really pisses me off.
And of cource it happens on a day I need to do some computer work to finish the 5 minuite DnD video we did and submit it.
Finally I get norton to shut the hell up and get the bit of edditing done and only one thing is left. Log in and send in the video.
But, nooooo. The blasted site won't load on the computer system here.
So now I have to wail until I get home.
And this damn computer won't run java and blocks all pop-up windows, like the one you need to fill in to send in your video.
I ended up using BZ's computer, but I'm still not sure if the video went through or not. It kind of stoped at 100% loaded, which could mean finished or it could mean I froze up at 99.99999%.
