Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday, My first day back after a long and relaxing weekend, my first day back after a full week of illness that I'm still not entirly over.
My first day back and I'm already bored.
Ethics class is a 2 hr waste of time. Today it was a 2.5 hr waste of time since we watched a film. Journal club was actually kind of interesting and went into how the mirror image of biological molecules are never used for certain biological functions. Then my cell phone went off. It has a avery loud and musical ring and everyone there but me got a big chuckle out of it.
Up next I have a class to discuss bio literature, which should be interesting, I hope.

Tonight I have some studying to do and some painting. I did get a few new minis this weekend to fill out some spaces that needed filling for friday. I also ordered some new books off of amazon but they probably won't get to me for another week or so.

In the realm of films, I say both sky captain and Ned Kelly over the weekend. Both were good. Sky captain was as cheezy as I though it would be which was excelent. Ned Kelly was pretty sad, but a quality film none the less. The rest of the weekend was spent watching giant monster movies on scifi which is always enjoyable and gave me a good idea for a short film.

Nigh-quil has pretty much rendered me dreamless, so nothing to report in that respect, but I can feel a good rant or two working their way up. I have a review for Afrin to write up for an online mag I helped found, but haven't done much for since.

Monday, My first day back after a long and relaxing weekend, my first day back after a full week of illness that I'm still not entirly over.
My first day back and I'm already bored.
Ethics class is a 2 hr waste of time. Today it was a 2.5 hr waste of time since we watched a film. Journal club was actually kind of interesting and went into how the mirror image of biological molecules are never used for certain biological functions. Then my cell phone went off. It has a avery loud and musical ring and everyone there but me got a big chuckle out of it.
Up next I have a class to discuss bio literature, which should be interesting, I hope.

Tonight I have some studying to do and some painting. I did get a few new minis this weekend to fill out some spaces that needed filling for friday. I also ordered some new books off of amazon but they probably won't get to me for another week or so.

In the realm of films, I say both sky captain and Ned Kelly over the weekend. Both were good. Sky captain was as cheezy as I though it would be which was excelent. Ned Kelly was pretty sad, but a quality film none the less. The rest of the weekend was spent watching giant monster movies on scifi which is always enjoyable and gave me a good idea for a short film.

Nigh-quil has pretty much rendered me dreamless, so nothing to report in that respect, but I can feel a good rant or two working their way up. I have a review for Afrin to write up for an online mag I helped found, but haven't done much for since.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Well I'm back at school again. I have some classes today so it seemed like a good idea to come in. Also I'm feeling mostly better after a decent night's sleep, thanks to a big swig of niqul knock off. I got up feeling fairly energised and besides having cold sweat for about an hour this sickness seems to duled down to moderate cold.

Also I figured I need to come in as I'm out of movies to watch and it would be a very very borring day otherwise.

Tonight I'm supposed to drive down to salem to play D&D but I have a feeling I don't have the strength for it. The drive in this AM was hard enough.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

well I just got sent home, whihc is good because its snowing like crazy outside. Not much else to say, hopefully will have somehting to report tomorow.

I have crawled my way back intoday. Congestion has worked its way out fo my throat and up into my head. When the pressure begins to build I feel like I eithor have to blow my nose or the top of my head will blow off. So far my supply of tissue has kept me safe, but its only a matter of time.

I probably should have stayed home again, but I really couldn't deal with another day without human contact. I feel a bit better just chating to the tech girl in the lab. People are good.

Not too much else to report. Sickness has procluded any creative expanses. A night with little sleep has slaved off any dreams, though I actually think I had quite a few the wake up every two hours deal means I don't remember any of them. At least the cold sweat has stoped.

Will probably get out early today, then have to go to the sketchy walmart for more meds, ick.

Monday, January 24, 2005

actually looking at the cells they don't look like they are ready to split.
I was also told not to split cells if I am sick as I would be more likely to contaminate them.

I sit here today in spinning nausea. I have a hacking cough, which leaves a nasty metalic taste in my mouth and I feel like I'm about to pass out. This has oersisted through most of the weekend and gotten worse for today. I didn't get any time off school due to snow as a lot of lucky folks did. I totally could have used a day in bed. Instead I'm here warming up media to use to split cells. Though I'm concidering leaving after I get that done.

Weekend was good other wise. D&D friday was fun as always. And as always I don't know why I bother writing up adventures. The group decided to go rob a magic shop instead of heading off after the clues I was leaving. They ended up with some really good stuff and only one character death to show for it. This will make next week very interesting:)

It was quite nice to see BZ, though she is still having some sort of panic like attacks over me spending the week up here. Which brings on a lot of marrage talk. Not really sure what to do about the whole thing.

Got some new tires for the mustang after the old ones went flat. NEw tires work well.

Thats about it for now. Have to get some stuff done before everything starts to spin again.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Friday Friday, how sweet the sound.
I'm pretty glad this week is over. It hasn't been that stressful, but i still need a few days to recover from last week. Man do I hate proesentations and it looks like I'll be giving 4 or 5 this semister.

Tonight is D&D night and I'm actually semi prepared. I did a bit of writing last night, unfortunatly I forgot about the adventure hook so not I'm going to have to work something up. Also I hope I can find the right minis. I'm pretty sure I don't have them which is always dissappointing.

Last night was also a waste of 40 minuites or so of my life reading the scientific integrity book for the ethics class. Let me be the not first to say how much bull shit Ethics is. Black is black and white is white. Science is very simple, hypothesize, experiment, report results, specutate as to what they mean. Don't fake data, don't steal other's work and pass off as your own. Thats about it. And now I need to read about 15 pages a week and waste 2hrs in class for some one to reexplain this to me. I am really pissed about that.

I didn't get any real writing done last night, but the mood wasn't right so its probably for the best. I did do a smidge of excercising, which I'm feeling very good about.

No dreams or other exciting excursions. Looking forward to going home for the weekend.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

So today continues. Cell bio was as lame as I thought it would be, we learned all about microscopes. Wooo weee whoopie do, like I've never seen a microscope before.

I did get to learn cell culture techniques in lab which would have been kind of cool if it involved something other than pipetting and being very careful about not touching anything and comtaminating your cells.
Also the lesson started late so I missed the lunch gang again. Double also, I passed them in the hall on my way down and no one had money for the book I got for us to share :[

In good news I heard back from my to be lunch partener from yesterday. Apparently her meeting ran long and we just missed each other so all is cool.

I have been thinking alot today about writing my life story in the quasi non-fictional realm it should be in. I've always planned to do this but have never had the time before. This seems like it could be a good time to start. When I get a signifigant part down I'll send out copies for anyone who wants one.

In writing news I'm about 1/3 way done with the story I was inspired about in reading my friend's blog, currently titled "Silent Night". So far it is going ok, but needs signifigant expansion and some more background details. Currently its about 600 some odd words and probably will be over 2K when done, which procludes a lot of flash sites.
I'm finding my writing seems to be too rushed lately. I get a good idea and need to get it out as soon as possible, without all the backstory needed. Maybe thats why I write better in various stages of depression. Its a place I revel in and take in every moment for all it is, exploring the sorrow of every detail.
When I'm in a good mood I just want to skip to the good parts.

wonderful thursday,
I have my second cell bio class today, we have a test in about a week which is good and bad. Good in that there won't be too much material on it. Bad in that I'm not ready to get back into test taking swing and if there isn't much material it will probably go into a lot of detail.

In other bad news my throat is still not doing well, my lymph nodes under my jaw are all kinds of swolen and sensitive. Not too much else to report just yet, we'll see how the day progresses.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

A few more things to mention.
Today is kind of sucking. Went through my lab plan with the new PI an it looks like I won't have any real work to do for a week or so, plenty of time to read papers :P I don't know what it is with me and papers, I tend not to absorb much from them.

This morning I got my self what was being called a chai tea latte, from the hot chocolate machnie and I made a brilliant discovery. This new fangaled thing called chai that everyone is so nuts over has been around for a long time, but back in my day we called it an atomic fireball. Seriously, thats exactly what it tasted like. It brough me back, but did little to help my sore throat.

I got stood up for lunch, which really sucked, almost as much as the turkey sandwich I had. I know better now that to go to the ghetto grocery store. The walmart was totally sketch too. I never though I'd be missing all the mutants who go to the waterford walmart. Let me reiterate how much I dislike getting stood up. Its not too hard to make plans and not too hard to keep them.
First find someone you want to meet up with.
Second determine a time you can both make it and a place to meet.
Third, show up at that place at that time.

Thats it.
Not to mention that I missed lunch with my regular crowd and ate an hour and a half late because of all of this. Bleah!!

Oh then at lunch I see Homan some scientist want-to-be from my old lab there and he asks if I can come up and help him out for an hour. Well me being in the good person mode I have been lately I agree.
[side note I have been being a good person lately. When we last went to the grocery store I noticed the lady in front of us in line was forgetting one of her bags and stoped her and told her. Then when I was moving in I found a wallet in the parking lot and took it in and returned it. I didn't even take the money that was left in it. and what do I get for all this, more bad luck]
So I'm helping homan, which takes 1.5hrs instead of 1 and we still weren't done. This wouldn't be a big deal except it made me miss cake. Today was departmental birthday day, so no cake for me.

very annoyed. Soon I'll have to go home and write up this week's adventure. heheheheheheh

Well its been a few days since I have been able to post. I'm about halfway moved in to the new appartment and slept there for the first time last night. For some reason the heat makes a clicking sound when it goes on which kept waking me up. Paranoid sleep and clicking noises do not mix well. It also smells like paint, which I think gave me a sore throat.

I'm in a new lab now working on DNA repair mechanism in certain cancer famalies, which is pretty cool. I started classes again on tuesday, which was not cool. Cell bio is going to be a big waste of time, but it needs to be done to pull my GPA back up after those B-'s from last semister.
The new lab also dosen't have a computer for me which is why it has taken me so long to put anything up. Nor does it have much equipment, but there is something to be said for joining a group just starting. At least here I feel more like I can make my own contribution instead of just helping out with someone elses. Its somewhat suprising at how much fo science is just that, runing experiments to test some minor part of someone smarter's theories.

Also I'm fairly annoyed I need to buy more books.
More to follow

Friday, January 14, 2005

Well after a bunch of days glued to the computer with no time to record, my presentation is done and given. I think it went pretty well. I was told that I give good presentations by some one there, not my advisor per say. He said it wasn't bad, which is a pretty good compliment comming from him.
Today I packed up my desk, for as of next week I'm out of this lab. The idea has grown on me in the last few days. I'm going to work with what seems to be a pretty cool guy in a lab that is just starting up. I probably won't be able to fly out in 3 years ike I was hoping but then it might be better to have 4 years of positive work than 3 years of hell. Since I haven't actually worked with him it still could be hell. All in all I'm tired of living the hell that I know to avoid possible bad things in the unknown.
I have a bunch more to write but I want to get out of here early for once.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Well Its tuesday. I haven't had much time to past lately and won't for the next few days. I've been trying to get my talk ready for the end of this rotation.
Also my life has been more or less turned upside down.
I'm now forced to do another rotation and with it I will have to take classes. This means I have only a few days to sort all of this out while most other students have had since around x-mas break. Hell If I had known I would have taken some more time off for a break.
Not too much else to report and no time for words of wisdom.
Have fun all.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Its thursday, the sky is filled wiith Icy Rain, fog, and some reminants of snow. Idiots like me decided to come in today. 1 hr drive, well more like 2hrs when all was said and done. The old mustang almost swerved out of control more times than I could count. It rides low and tends to catch on any small piles of snow or whhat ever else not that is left in the middle of the road, which causes minor fishtailing.
But here I am alive, thogh coughing from the icy rain walk I had to take up from the far lot. It seems the shuttle busses aren't running. Also it appears that no one else form the lab came in, just peachy.

This morning, before the ride of horror, I had soe wild sex dreams. Its been a while, lately most dreams have been about fighting. I had one yesterday about fghting little kids, it was odd. This morning was just odd. In it was this gal Elizabeth, who I used to see. We were in a big bed, but not the bed I currently sleep in. So I don't know where it was. But we were going at it, when the door opens and this small asian chick comes in and joins us.
Three cheers for this dream.
And let me allso say this Elizabeth is for some reason a much better lover in dreams then real life.

Thats about all to report today, off to do some lab work.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Well today has been just lovely.
It starts with a little bill paying so now I find my self quite broke.
Then I come in and get yelled at for not running enough experiments, which also means I can't take off the next day like I was planning to go to boston and see the blue man group (not that I like the BMG mind you)
So I have to call BZ and tell her as it was a trip wiith her fam, tickets and stuff already paid for.
So then she is mad at me, like it was my choice to stay here and run experiments instead of going and doing something potentially fun.
So I start some reactions and don't you know, they have time points right when I was planning to grab a bite so I missed all my friends for lunch and ended up snacking at my desk.
BZ calls me back to ask if I took the left over pizza, then hangs up madder when she finds out that I did. If we were the Yukuza I'd be taking off fingers right about now.
I have a feeling my life outside of school is about to end. I just keep doing a half assed job of both and its getting me nowhere fast.
Oh and being behind on stuff I'm probably going to have to come in this weekend, yippee.
Thats about all the time I have for right now.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Spin spin spin,
Today has been just crazy. this is the first real chance I've had to sit down and write anything. It hasn't helped that I was an insomniac last night. You know life is getting weird when you can't sleep because its too quiet.
I had to hit the bank this AM so I ended up getting in a bit late and have spent the rest of the day playing catch-up. In good news I have all the paperwrk done for the APPT. and will be moving in some time around the 15th.
In bad news this si probably the absolute worst tie to take off for a few days to go to boston, which I am doing sometime tomorow. I have a number of assays to finish up before my presentation next week, not to mention I have to finish writing the presentation and get it practiced a few ties.
I also have a bunch of D&D stuff to work on (les important but still stuff to do) laundry, cleaning, rest (yeah right). I always seem to come back from vacation more tired than I go into it.
In other bad news I got the lowest grade in my molecular basis of disease class, which sucks. I deserve it for the slack ass last minuite job I did for the grant proposal, but it still urks me.
Lately I've been feeling fairly unsmart. Not stupid mind you, but I just feel like its becomming harder to think. I can recall all sorts of answers, but to rework things and come up with something orgional..thats the difficult thing. I used to be very very good at this. Disecting a problem and finding a new way to look at it. Maybe I modified myself to be more normal. I've done a lot of stupid things like that.
Yeah I know this post is all over the place. I have to put down thoughts when I have them or they are gone, the way of the rainbow. Its going to be a late night here. I have a gel running that won't be done for another hour and then 30 minuites of drying after that. so I'm looking at getting home around 8ish, but who knows.
Not too much else to report....
No wait...
Another complaint about books and how authors are getting crappier...
When I was in borders the other night I picked up one of the newer Anne Rice books. Now to get something straight I really like Anne Rice. I even got to meet her a few years back. Her vampire cronicles are some of my favorite books as are the witching hour ones, the mummy, and servant of the bones. As of late her books have turned to utter shit. She should have stuck to her word and left the Vamp books end off with Memnoch the devil. There were a few after that which were ok, but all the new lestat books have sucked big time.
So the book I picked up was called Blood Canticle or something like that. It pretty much just mixes the witch books and the vamp books, which blackwood farm started to do (that was almost unreadable). This newer book spins a lose plot line around a lot of soft core porn and slapped together love triangles that make soap operas look like masterpieces. Lestat falls in love with Rowan, who is married to michael (who has to save her), michael boned his little cousin and they had a baby, who was a monster that he killed and is now back as a ghost which is haunting lestat. The little cousin mona got sick and then was turned into a vamp by blackwood farm wuss, who was being haunted by a ghost, which got sent away by some chick who killed her self with it. She was turned into a vamp in the previous book by david.

Lordy, you need a bloody flow chart and characters of Anne Rice compagnion just to know whats happening. And as soon as you figure it out, might as well throw it all away because the next book will mix it all up again.


Monday, January 03, 2005

fire heart
Heart of Fire

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not sure about the acuracy of this. Most of their answers didn't have the one I was looking for. The questions were also missing very relivant info as well, such as:
You see a stranger crying in the parking lot do you......
Well first off is she hot?
I say she because if its a dude crying he's a total wuss and I'm going to get in my car and honk the horn at him while I give him the finger. (thats just how it goes) It will make both of us feel better. He will realize he was being a wuss and stop and I'll know I've made someone's day better.

Its pretty much a wuss site but then I guess I should have expected that from, "what kind of heart do you have".

I was hoping for heart of ice. Or heart of ass kicking, but no suck luck.

Well all break time is over. The boss is back with a vengance and looking for data.
Today I'm making up reagents and preping for tomorow. Tomorow I have to get stuff done reactions to react and other data to get finished before my presentation next week. this is probably the absolute worst time to take a day or so off, but the tickets are purchased and I'm going to the blue man group on wed and thurs.

Oh I had forgotten to mention. Last night me and BZ went out a shopping. I have a 50$ gift card to best buy and couldn't find a single thing I really wanted. Maybe I'm just crazy...ok bad reference. So we moseyed on up to borders where I picked up the next bezerk book and a new D&D manual (I didn't get the SSS monsters book like I wanted for those of you reading in fear) After borders we poped into michales for a skein for deb to match one she got for x-mas.

We walk in and head for the yarn section, headig toward us is a train wreck waiting to happen. Woman, ~5'6, ~350lbs (maybe more), face moderate. This in itsself no big deal. Big gals can be sexy too, this one was not. Still you're thinking no biggie. It was her manner of dress that was the problem.
Virtual see through white shirt, totally visable white bra under neath. When I say virtual see through I mean there was some sort of cloth there, but I could see skin tone underneath and every curve, of which there were many. Behind her pushing a stroller is her skinny friend who apparently decided she didn't need to wear a bra and a perky 24 she was not. It was all about sag city. I refrained from making moo noises, but had to mouth a big "What the Fuck Was that!" to BZ.

Dammit people buy some appropriate clothes, see through is fine if you hve some thing worth showig off, otherwise conceament is for the best. And I'm all for woman's lib, but suport garments are to save you back pains, not to be man's shackels on you.

Its monday, the first after new years and I'm back at school.
For the word of the day, I would have to use crap, as that is what I'm feeling like. Head cold, stomache aches, and more. I almost dozed off a few times on the way in. This is what I get for staying up to all hours of the night battling the forces of darkness on my PS2 and drinking beer.
Speaking of beer, if anyone is hanging with me and I get the bright idea to grab a 24oz can of something called steel reserve, please stap some sence into me.

The potential inlaws have been over for the last few days. They aren't bad peps, but I grow tired of entertaining, as I would no matter who is over. Its somewhat of a releif to come in today.

I did have one dream of note over the weekend.
I was in some sort of monestary sort of place, lots of dudes in monk robes, but it was also a school of some sort and my parents had sent me there. In the dream I was more like age 18-21, but still had the mind I do now. For some reason we all (the students) had these ID badges thhat served as key codes to get into rooms. I had lost mine and needed a letter or waiver to get in. After some talking I was able to get into the lecture without it. After this class (thats what I'm assuming it was), I head back to my dorm room. Let me reiterate here how realistic everything is. The halls are all some sort of drak wood, with curved ceilings. The floor is often cement with wood spots here and there. I'm pretty sure the whole complex was up on a hill somewhere. Also note this is a place I have never seen before eithor on TV or in real life.

So I get to my room and along the way somewhere I have found my key card. Standing in front of my door is one of the monks, he's about my age, maybe a big younger. He tells me I need a waiver to get into my room. I respond that I have my key card so I don't need one. He presists, saying that since I had lost it before I need the waiver still now and if I don't have it I will be punished. Of cource I don't have it.

Then he starts shouting the I will be punished. The walls pull back to some large dark room, there is a podium in the center of a stage and stadium seating going up around it. I follow the brother in. he says I'm going to be punished and starts screaming "sextant dog" at me (not saxton dog as I have heard before). the punishment he wants to give me is to tie me up on this long rope, which would hold me up wth my arms above my head. The rope was hanging down next to a wall which had rows of spikes going down it, so that if you were hung there you would stab yourself every time you touched the wall.

The brother pulls off his robe and he has on this crazy dominatrix outfit on which is covered by the spikes. He continues to insult me, more Sextant remarks, and tells me again I must be punished. He reaches in to grab my hands so that he can bind them with the rope, then pulley me up. As he grabs myhand I reverse the hold using my excelent karate. and turn his hand back and into a breaking position. "I'm 28 I tell him. I have rights and I'm not going to take this shit." I brace myself because I know that touching him will stab me with the spikes, but I don't really care. I apply pressure, breaking his wrist, then kick him in the knee, dropping him to the floor. I ick his ass some more before waking up.

Damm wuss boy monks, they should know now not to fuck with me.
I kickass in dream world!!!

But its back to real world now and I must get some work done before lunch. I'm very psyched to see my pals here again.