Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

This weekend I had the oppertunity to speak with a true psychic who gave a talk on psychic powers, how to tap into your's and some general do's and don'ts. After much trepidation I decided it was time to try it out. So I set up my living room to look like a fortune teller's shop and waited for a customer to come in and low and behold one did.
Me: Welcome to Master Rykit's living room of the future.
Razul, my dog: (Stares at me and tilts head to the side)
Me: would you like me to read your fortune? Contact your spirit guides? Predict the future?
Razul: Bark bark
Me: So fortune it is?
Razul: Bark (runs over and bites my foot)
Me: Hey you're breaking my concentration.

After a few tries I realized this was going to be harder than it looked. The psychic had commented on using tools as a crutch, so I decided it might not be such a bad idea. Lots of Psychics use mystical ammulets, crystals, or other devices. So it was off to wal-mart.
I was at walmart for about 20 minuites before realizing they didn't have the largest selection of ancient mystic devices. When I explained to the clerk how I was trying to read my dog's future he directed me to the pet isle. 10 minuites later I had found what I was looking for.
Back to the house and the living room.

Me: Ok ready to begin again
Squaky blue stuffed fox: squeak squeak
Razul: Bark Bark
Squeaky blue stuffed fox: Squeak Squeak Squeak
Razul: Arroooo, bark ruff

(obviously I was making signifigant progress)
Squeaky blue stuffed fox: Squeak Squeak (long pause) Squeak
Razul: rarr, ruff (jumps up and steals squeaky blue stuffed fox out of my hand)
Me: Hey give that back
Razul: (Takes off and hides under the table)
Me: Get back here, drat...maybe buffy is on (sit down to watch buffy)

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Today's hint goes out to places of business looking for new employes.
If you want some one to work for you, do not schedual a phone interview with them, then stand them up.
Teressa Chambrig didn't like it when I stood her up in 7th grade, when I was supposed to meet her under the slide for some kissie action. In my defence, she did have a sleepy eye and smelt kind of funny, but the point is if I didn't want some of her tender loving I shouldn't have made the plan.
So here to say Job Oppertunity of the day, BITE ME!!!!!

The word of the Day is "tender loving" ayone who meets you with the correct code word, be sure to invite them to a secret meeting in the office supply closet at 4pm.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Well good news has come today. I got an email from my prof contact at UCONN. I call him up and he tels me I'm going to be offered one of the Departmental Scholarships. Its all still unofficial, but I got in!!!!!

Unfortunatly it means I'm going to have to stop buying stuff for quite some time and try to pay off every bill I have before that, but its very exciting. This weekend I was starting to think my life path was supposed to be heading in a different direction, but now he way has been made clear.
Thats about all for today, off to have a shot to celebrate.

Friday, March 26, 2004

An interesting phenemon happened last night and let it be a lesson to you all. After a full day on the mend of relinquishing illness through watching many many eppisodes of buffy the vampire slayer, I turned in for a good night's rest. A while later my signifigant other joined me. At the stroke of 11:14pm I was awoken to a hard hammer fist strike to me back (I sleep face down as any sane person should) And the words "die vampire". Apparently she though she was staking me. SO let this be a lesson to you, buffy before bed is a no no. I would sugest something warm and moving like when "harry met sally" or "Sex Trek 2, the search for sperm". Other no no's may include "Kickboxer" and "Enough" Starring Jennifer Lopez.

I have had some dreams/visions as of late, but haven't been able to make much of them. In on I was on a white water rafting trip with the main characters from the cartoon "King of the Hill" and strangly enough I wasn't beating hank or peggy to death with a pair of wadders due to their incessant lack of hummor.
Speaking of humor not much is better than the show "Futuramma" anyone of true intelect will recognise this immeaditly.

The word for the day is Malt. Procure some as soon as possible.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Well I came in today with a bad feeling, its still here...kind of like some one drilled a hole in the back of my head and they are slowly pumping some sort of gas into it.
I got an email' call fro UCONNtoday and apparently I didn't make the big cut. There are still some options to explore as to getting me into school, but I don't have a lot of hope. This means I'm going to be stuck here for another year. Aparently the department I wanted to get into did really like me, but just didn't have enough say. And from what I hear it was a very competitive year.

A note to all of you. Never make a secure back up plan. For some reson if I have one I always end up taking it.

I can't think of much else to say right now. My mind pain has incerased as well as a general feeling of hopelessness.
I apologise from deviating from my normal posts, its been hard tothink as of late.

Blue is the color of the day
code word: Freckles

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

I think I'm slowly slowing down. The need to feed is gradually replaced by a feeling of creed.
My mind is forever focused by animalistic instincts. I see beauty beyond my means and desire to posess it. Silky blond and full in body. Smooth to the touch and refreshing compaired to the normal drab backdrop of life. I know not where she came from, only that she is now and forever will be my all.
I really need to go back to the bar for a beer.

Don't drink from water coolers. In 1978 the government began a plan to add a narcotic to all the country's water supply, focusing mostly on the then infant bottled water industry. They knew with the proper government endorcement people would buy and drink this product in great quantitaties. To ensure this the budgets to repair and replace old pipes in city water supplies was cut drastically, giving all city water thats sort of metalic taste. Where pipes were new or of non-metalic nature they focused on clorinating the water to give it the old pool flavor and smell. this was all done to get you to buy bottled water so they could feed you their mind numbing narcotics that way.
Don't stand for this maddness!
I won't drink anything that didn't use to be a fruit or animal.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Today is one of nonsencical fuzzy brain. I can't seem to focus my will to overcome the comeable. My eyes see through the conspirator's haze or see to the haze. its hard to tell. A past of persence came forth today of dark eyes and soft skin. Her lips never stoped moving and she somehow knew my name. Yet I beseech thee.
A rose not knoweth any other name yet smell so pure. I was peirced by ruby red petals and smelt only thorns.
The wind of change is always blowing and over time all is forgotten or forgiven or forsworn. Even in the darkest dungoun a fairy princess is found and ever fairly a price is set. The world is for sale if your pockets are deep enough, dig down now and see who you can buy. I for one am not for sale, unless your pies are from picking and sauce is a stirring.

Sencibility is a sence ability, right now I can't smell anything.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Having massive computer problems as of late. I think my system may have been hacked or something. Scans reveal no worms of viruses, so it could only be soe one who knows how to by pass the scanner, an elite government programmer for instance.

Dreams came last night and left just as fast. My dog has gone crazy, apparently the brain washing preformed on her backfired. Ionly pray the cat will have the same sort of resistance.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Aftera long weekend of failed planes and recounts, sunday night came. With the night came visions:
I was out with mr friend Jeff and the two of us had dates with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, which is sort of odd to me because I don't find eithor of them very attractive and I usually don't dream of celebraties, be they real or fake. Well our date too us to my home town, but it looked more like some sort of post-apoctoliptic world. There were a lot of green house like gardens amid the rubble. We went into one of them, which also had a pool. I don't remember too much about the date its self but the girls were real bitches.
After the date, for some reason we wanted to see them again, probably because they didn't put out first time out, whihc from what i hear is also uncharacteristic of them. Well we found out that in order to see them again we would have to run protection for their manager who was in some sort of gang banger drug war. the dream ended with us in some sort of shoorting conflict with other bangers.

I would advise caution to any readers whe have interactions with Miss Hilton or Miss Richie. I have a feeling this vision is telling me they are involved with some heavy shit.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Strange occurances have been occuring.
I think my puppy is being trained during the day while I am gone by the NSA. Last night she kept escaping from her pen and piled up all the shoes in the house in the center of the floor. It was an obvious death trap and deffinatly NSA inspired. She also keeps giving me funny looks as she knows that I know, or maybe she is trying to read my mind.

My girlfriend is undersuspicion as well. Against my advice she went to see an optomatrist, who we all know are secretly government agents, working in the same tast force as the radio shack operatives. She obtained contacts and has been complaining of blurry vision, obviously caused by micro cameras hidden in them. I think they are starting to transmit mesage to her through them as well. Since she has gotten them she has been going through extreme bouts of mood changes, intense crabbyness coupled with nymphomania.
I was awakened last night at 1:10am by her looking for sex. I had no choice but to comply with her wishes. sleeper agents can be very deadly if activated too soon.
Today beware the letter P! It has an unknown agenda.

Monday, March 01, 2004

This weekend was Ph.D. Recruitment weekend at UCONN where I hope to go to school next year. Overall the weekend seemed to go well. It consisted of 3 interviews with different professors, a tour of the campus, then 2 breakout group sessions with the different areas of concentration. My interviews weren’t the greatest. The first one was with some bone guy, who was about as excited about his research as he seemed to be to have me there, and let me say I’ve seen people more excited about a new flavor of jello, than this guy was to tell me about what he was working on.
The second interview went better. I like the Prof very much and we seemed to have a good rapport. His work was very interesting and if I get accepted I’d probably do a rotation in his lab.
The third interview was just horrid. The lady I was supposed to meet with decided she needed to have some sort of family emergency so I got stuck talking to the Dean. The guy was humorless what a personality that would have made ice shiver. Its never good when the first thing some one says is “Well your grades are below what we usually accept and if it wasn’t for your recommendations we wouldn’t have even considered you, how do you explain them?” The rest of the interview he asked me questions about how much money people make in industry and what kinds of benefits we offer.
The tour was crap, I saw the bookstore, the library, and a bunch of immunology labs, full of box like machinery. If you know anything about scientific equipment you will realize that for the most part all of the good equipment looks about the same, an off white box with a fancy name on it “cell sorter” or “Refractinator”. It was just a big waste of time.
The break out sessions went well. I got to talk to the chair of the molecular department and think I made a good impression on her. Her research was very cool and I’d probably do a rotation in her lab too if I got the chance.
The second session I went to genetics, which had a big presentation instead of letting us talk to the people. It was interesting but I would have preferred to have had more time to speak with the profs.
Then there was a dinner and an after party, both we fun and I had some more good talks with people in different departments.
The hotel that put us in, the Marriot” screwed up my room reservation and put me and my roomie into a single with a big king sized bed. We got a cot for me to sleep on since I got there second. It came as a big thing standing upright, strapped in with a bungee cord. My roommate convinced me I should call down to the front desk to have someone set it up. The call went some thing like this.
“Hi I’m in room 331 and we got a cot up here, I was wondering if some one could set it up for me.”
“Ok…(pause)…Are you with the special Olympics?”
“Because the bed pretty much just tips over.”
Always nice to make a fool of your self. I just hope the Special Olympics were actually at the hotel and it wasn’t just a shot at me.
All and al cot very uncomfortable, not much sleep gotten. Fortunately Day 2 was just breakfast and some student went over his research. Lots of slides of DNA code and proteins in Amino acid form. In my state they al looked about the same. So I hope I get in.
Word for the day is caffeine, as I desperately need some.